Stop comparing.
Start living!

How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?

Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!

Stop comparing. Start living!

How can we help you improve your
body image or stop comparing?

Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!

Looking for more personalized help?

Body Image CoachingGroup Coaching

Rachel And Leah: Three Lessons Leah Can Teach Us About Beauty and Body Image

I used to believe that Genesis 29:17 was the meanest verse in the whole Bible. Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. (ESV) How could God tell us that Rachel beamed with physical beauty...

Comparing Yourself to Your Younger Self?

Are you stuck comparing who you are today to who you were ten, twenty, or more years ago? If so, today's episode is for you. We're going to talk about how to stop comparing yourself to your younger self. We'll explore...

Stop Letting Comparison Rob You of Joy, Peace & Rest

Today we conclude the Spring book club series where we've walked through my latest book, The Burden of Better: How a Comparison-Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace, and Rest. In this episode, we talk about ways to have more...

It’s Not Your Turn, Or Is It? Waiting for Answered Prayers

It's hard to be in God's waiting room. Whether you're waiting for a spouse, a new job, or some other goal--waiting can be tough. Today I talk to author Heather Thompson Day about her new book, "It's Not Your Turn: What...

Can a Deeper Understanding of Grace Cure Comparison?

In today's second installment of the Burden of Better Book Club, Heather talks about how understanding grace cures comparison. In her book, The Burden of Better, Heather explores four different manifestations of grace...

How Cleaning Your House Like Crazy Connects to Your Body Image

I caught this slightly crazy but totally funny video on For Every Mom. (You'll get the gist after the first fifteen seconds. Why is it so funny? Because it's true . . .at least for me it was. Years ago we planted a...

Hey Jealousy: Three Ways to Tame Envy & Covetousness

One Sunday morning, a sermon revolutionized the way I thought about my body image. In truth, I have no idea what the pastor actually preached about that day. (Don't worry, this was before my husband was also my...

Check it out!

Ready to stop stressing over your body? Heather’s new Bible Reading Plan is now available on the YouVersion Bible App!

Comparison-Free Christmas Bible Reading Plan Heather Creekmore
christian walking workout to help with comparison

“I can’t begin to tell you what your honesty and humility has done for me.

I just started listening and you have brought so much joy, hope and life.”

Compared to Who? podcast for christian women struggling with body image
Compared to Who? podcast for christian women struggling with body image

“I can’t begin to tell you what your honesty and humility has done for me.

I just started listening and you have brought so much joy, hope and life.”

What Can I Do to Feel More Significant? Feat. Rachael Adams

Let's face it. We all want to be special. We all want to know that our lives are significant. We each desire to know that we matter. But, sometimes our lives can feel...

How to Really Feel Better in Your Body Featuring Amy Carlson, RD

"But I feel better on a plan!" If you've believed the only way to feel better about your body is to stay "on plan" than this show will encourage you! This is a...

Dear Gwyneth: Your Wellness Plan is Not Food or Body Freedom

Today's episode is a compassionate letter to Gwyneth Paltrow who, on Instagram this week, talked about her "wellness plan" which included her sharing what she eats in a...

What Happens in the Brain When You Binge feat: Dr. Kari Anderson

Today Heather continues her conversation with Dr. Kari Anderson about binge eating. They discuss what's going on in the brain when we binge, how the brain sends signals...

Binge Eating, Stress Eating, Food Issues and Our Brain

Today Heather interviews Dr. Kari Anderson, a licensed professional counselor, eating disorder coach, author, and a recognized authority in treating binge eating and...

6 Things to Do When You Feel Fat for Christian Women in 2023

What do you do when you feel fat? Of course, most know by now that "fat" isn't really a feeling. Yet, how many of us say it? It's what we say when we don't know any...

Holy or Hot? How to Make Holiness What We Really Desire

Do we want to be hot or holy? Your answer may be: Both! But the pursuit of a hotter body and the pursuit of looking more like Jesus can sometimes be...

Ideals Become Idols and Other Reasons to Stop Comparing

This is the first in a series of three, monthly episodes where we'll talk about my latest book, The Burden of Better. Even if you've read it, these book...

Podcast: What About Leah? Body Image, Comparison, Rachel & Leah

Rachel, Leah, and Comparison: Rachel and Leah, the iconic Bible story of two sisters with a giant sibling rivalry, has some hidden truths about body...

Podcast: Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?

Do you deserve to wear shorts? Inspired by Mindy Pickens' brilliant post from a few years ago, "Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?", today I talk through...

Cleaning Your House and Body Image Issues Connection

Did you know that your body image issues and cleaning your house like a crazy person may be connected? If you've ever turned into a cleaning Gestapo...

4 Vacation Tips for Women With Body Image & Control Issues

Today Heather's delivering vacation tips for women who struggle with body image and control issues. These struggles don't go on vacation when we do. In...

Hi there, I’m Heather.

I’m a pastor’s wife, homeschooling mom of four, failed Netflix baker
(Episode 1 of Nailed It!), author, podcaster, speaker…

But most of all…I’m just a woman who loves Jesus and knows what it feels like to struggle with body image and comparison.

My passion is to see Christian women
set free from the all-consuming worry over the scale, mirror, or
lure of comparison so they are free to pursue God’s purpose for their lives.

Hi there, I’m Heather.

I’m a pastor’s wife, homeschooling mom of four, failed Netflix baker
(Episode 1 of Nailed It!), author, podcaster, speaker…

But most of all…I’m just a woman who loves Jesus and knows what it feels like to struggle with body image and comparison.

My passion is to see Christian women
set free from the all-consuming worry over the scale, mirror, or
lure of comparison so they are free to pursue God’s purpose for their lives.

“This is not what I was expecting, at all! I’d read all the other Christian books on body image, but this one was different. Now I have hope that I can truly be free from my body image struggles. Oh, and it’s funny.”

Tired of striving to be better? Has comparison kept you on a self-improvement treadmill that just won’t quit? Compared to Who? offers a gospel-centered way to free your life of the need to measure up and find satisfaction, rest, and peace in God’s grace alone.

Burden of Better: How a Comparison-Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace & Rest book cover

The absolute best Christian book I’ve ever read on comparison! And, it will make you laugh out loud!

Forget Self-Esteem Gimmicks and Love Yourself Mantras and Find Biblically-Based, Gospel-Centered Answers for Negative Body Image.

“This is not what I was expecting, at all! I’d read all the other Christian books on body image, but this one was different. Now I have hope that I can truly be free from my body image struggles. Oh, and it’s funny.”

Forget self-esteem gimmicks and “Love Yourself” mantras and find biblically-based, gospel-centered answers for negative body image.

Burden of Better: How a Comparison-Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace & Rest book cover

The absolute best Christian book I’ve ever read on comparison! And, it will make you laugh out loud!

Tired of striving to be better? Has comparison kept you on a self-improvement treadmill that just won’t quit? Compared to Who? offers a gospel-centered way to free your life of the need to measure up and find satisfaction, rest, and peace in God’s grace alone.