If one hour of cardio is good, doesn’t that make 2 hours better? Oh, friend. That was my philosophy. I could always do BETTER in the exercise arena. I could always have a better body.

After teaching spin and kickboxing for a number of years, I had great endurance. But, it wasn’t enough. In the area of exercise there was always room for improvement. My abs could have been better. My arms could have been better. One scroll of the Pinterest category “exercises for . . . “ would show me pictures of women with these amazing bodies. I didn’t have that. So, I interpreted that as a reason to work harder.

Only problem is, I never arrived at a place where I was satisfied with the way I looked.

See, the Burden of Better isn’t one that you can lie down when you reach your goal weight or can make it through a 45 minute spin class without feeling like you’ll pass out. No, the Burden of Better just keeps getting heavier as you pursue a goal that will never be attained. It’s like a child chasing a bunny. She gets close. The bunny remains still, so she goes in for the grab. But that bunny will get away every single time.

If you’ve been caught in the trap of chasing a better body, can I encourage you to read my brand new book: The Burden of Better? My heart is to see women set free from the comparison trap, especially when it comes to comparing our bodies to other women’s bodies. If you’re ready to break out, I hope you’ll give this book a chance.

Order “The Burden of Better” here!

Learn more here!

Check out my first book for Christian women who wrestle body image titled, “Compared to Who?” here!

the burden of better is for fitness addicts who chase a better body

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