Burden of Better: How a Comparison-Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace & Rest book cover

By Heather Creekmore

The Burden of Better: How a Comparison Free Life Leads to Joy, Peace, and Rest

Amazon Top Ten New Release Christian Women’s Living

Looking for an amazing new Christian book on comparison? You’ve come to the right place!

Ever wonder why it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others? Or, why it’s so difficult to stop? In an era of carefully curated social media images, non-stop selfies, and channels devoted to perfecting everything from your home to your dinner plate, comparison consumes us! And, chasing better becomes a burden! It weighs down our souls and prevents us from experiencing satisfaction or rest.

In The Burden of Better, Heather Creekmore draws on her own struggles with comparison to explore its hidden roots and antidote: grace. With humor, entertaining personal stories, and a heaping dose of empathy, Creekmore takes you on a journey from the life of comparison into the freedom and contentment found by living the life of grace.

The Burden of Better is not only a fun read, but a gospel-centered guide to kicking the comparison habit!

Plus, it’s filled with relevant scripture, questions for group or individual study! 


Reading “The Burden of Better” forced me to recognize that I, too have been sucked into the world’s siren call to obsess over continuous improvement. This book helped me identify my personal triggers, reminded me that “comparison’s ladder has no top rung”, and refocused my attention on Jesus so that I can live out the truth: true joy is found in focusing on a higher standard of loving God and loving others (not loving myself!). Heather’s stories had me laughing to the point of tears and yet delivered a powerful and sobering wake up call that myself and every woman I know needs to hear…

-Amazon 5 Star Review


This book is ahh-mazing. Certain parts gripped my spirit and rocked me to the core. I am changed. I can’t wait to re-read it.

-Nicole Williamson, Founder of REACH


This book is such a refreshing shift from all the “change yourself to love yourself” type of self-help books out there. I love Heather’s openness and honesty about her own struggles, and she challenges me to rest in grace instead of the constant striving to be better.

-Five Star Amazon Review

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