Today we wrap up this month long series with a quick prayer over our whole body image. What has God been showing you? Are there areas of your body image or aspects to your body image issues that you hadn't considered? If this series has been a help to you at all --...

April Hooper
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 29 – Favor
Today we pray for favor -- a concept that is different than seeking the approval of others. Favor is something that God tells us and shows us through scripture that he gives to his people. Favor doesn't come from us projecting a certain image or trying to make other...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 28 – Control
For those of us who struggle with body image issues, I've noticed through the years of talking and working with women that control can tend to also be a problem. Are you secretly a control freak?I have been. There are many reasons and ways that control and body image...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 27 – Love
Today's episode is not about how to grow in love for your body--rather, we're talking about how to love God and others well! Though it may seem like a backwards concept, I promise you that when your focus shifts to loving God and others well, your eyes come off of...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 26 – Friends
Do you have friends? Not the kind of people that always want to diet and do things to look hotter-- but a friend that is safe to talk to about the ways you struggle with body image and comparison and who will lead you back to the truth of the Gospel? This kind of...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 25 – Scale and Mirror Release
Are you held captive by the opinion of the scale or the reflection staring back at you from the mirror? Does the wrong number or a new wrinkle ruin your whole day? If you've ever felt enslaved to the opinions of the scale or the mirror -today we're going to pray...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 24 – Confidence
Confidence! We've been told it comes from having a great body or achievements, or worse -- some say we can have confidence just by having more self love. But is this really what the Bible teaches? I don't think so. I think the kind of confidence we need doesn't come...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 23 – Divine Dietician
Can we trust God as our divine dietician? Today we talk about the truth that God's wisdom is good for ALL areas of our lives and the one who created our bodies probably knows best how we can take care of them. It's a simple truth that most of us who have been caught...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 22 – Health
Health: It's good to be healthy. It's good to desire health. It's good to be a responsible steward of your body... But, health can become an idol. For many clients I work with and women I meet, health presents an area of confusion. They have a hard time finding the...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 21 – Purpose
Do you know what gifts God has given you? Do you know how he made you tick, what he wired you for? Finding our "purpose" doesn't have to be some giant, elusive, mission...but taking steps towards doing things that match how God made you WILL help you feel better about...