Today we're talking about guilt and how all of our rules about our bodies, our diets, our exercise can add extra guilt we were never meant to carry. Guilt leads to shame and condemnation (and if you check out our verse of the day-- condemnation is something Jesus died...

April Hooper
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 9 – Body Shame
Struggling with shame related to your body or body image? Oh friend, we've all been there. That's why today we're going to pray specifically against shame. We'll pray that you'll feel and know what it means to live free from shame because Jesus died to take away all...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 8 – Feelings
What do you do if you wake up in the morning and don't FEEL like your body is worthy? What if your feelings are bouncing up and down and dictating how you feel about yourself each day? If feelings are where you get stuck--today's prayer will really speak to you. Today...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 7 – Discernment
We all need discernment, don't we? It's hard to know what's real, what's not real... what voices do we listen to, what do we ignore? Today we talk about the gift of discernment as a blessing to your body image battle. If you've never thought about needing discernment...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 6 – Thanksgiving
Scripture reminds us to use prayer and petition to calm our anxieties and ask God for what we need. I don't know about you friend - but needing freedom from body hatred, body stress, body image woe--this is a real need that I believe we need to take to God regularly....
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 4 – Truth
In today's show we pray for God to open our eyes to see the truth beyond the scale and beyond the mirror. We'll pray that God will help us understand that he knit us together in our mother's womb and knew/knows EXACTLY how he made us. That is encouraging news because...
Best Songs to Beat Insecurity 2
People of all ages struggle with doubt and insecurity, and do you know a great way to combat these negative feelings? Music! You may remember a post from a few years back called “Best Songs to Beat Insecurity.” Well, here is “Best Songs to Beat Insecurity 2,” an...
The Burden of Better is For: Working Women
Whether you’re working at home, climbing a corporate ladder, clocking in and out of shifts or setting your own hours—we women work hard. If I’m honest, I’m probably more likely than most men I know to “overwork.” It’s hard for me to rest. There’s always something else...
The Burden of Better is For: Single Women
Another bridesmaid dress. Another wedding in which I’d play a supporting role—when all I wanted was the lead. How many more bouquets did I need to catch to make it my turn? What was I doing wrong? Was I emitting an “I prefer to be single” code detected only by...
The Burden of Better is For: Recovering Dieters
I confess: You’d be hard pressed to name a diet I haven’t tried. Eating for my blood type, by color, only carbs (it was the thing in the 90s!), no carbs (it’s the thing now)… You name it. I’ve done it. They always ended with me feeling hungry, maybe a little angry,...