I spent most of my adolescence desperate to be seen, but terrified of rejection. This caused me to never truly embrace how God made me. I instead looked to the world for what would make me valuable and worthy. Lost and confused, I turned to diets and food to save me....

Intuitive Eating for Christian Women: Offering Grace for the Wandering Heart
As two women who once judged our own goodness based on our restraint around cake, we know an idol when we see it. We know how quickly a pure, good, God-given desire can take the place of Christ in our lives. We first recognized that our desire to be good stewards of...
Are Churches Encouraging Disordered Eating?
We know that the church means well; however, we also know that the church is made up of human beings who make mistakes. Just like the rest of the world, church leaders have blind spots and insecurities. They want to be culturally relevant so they tell a joke or two...
My Beauty Idol: Mindy’s Story
Today, I'm so thrilled to share with you the story of my reader friend, Mindy and her journey to finding body image freedom and uncovering her beauty idol. Mindy's words are powerful! She breaks down this issue in a way that I know will help so many of you who are...
How to Trade Weight Loss Stress for a Joyful Life
Tired of weight loss stress? In today's guest post, my new friend Jen encourages you with healthy ways to cope if you're trying to lose weight! While I don’t believe there’s anything wrong with wanting to improve your health and drop some weight, too often I see the...
What to Do When You Love Food: Carly’s Story
Flashback to 2011 (28 years old) My husband Elijah slept as I slipped out of bed. Softly I closed the bedroom door and stepped into our kitchen. My heart pounded in anticipation. My forbidden lover and I would soon be reunited. . .food awaited me. In public, I ate...
Brittney’s Story: BDD, Mirror Addiction, Anxiety & Freedom
This is a fantastic story from my new friend Brittney. She wrote me this, "I know you probably get lots of emails regarding your AMAZING book “Compared to Who.” I for one am grateful the Lord put this book on your heart. While reading your book I was going through a...
The Battle’s on the Inside: One Woman’s Story of Growing to Worry Less about Body Image Issues
“So when is that baby getting here?” Lovely sentiment when you are pregnant. Which I am certainly not. “Four and a half years ago. But thanks for that.” I literally said this as I gestured to my (almost) Kindergartner. Awkward, right? But she would not let it go. She...
Unveiling the All or Nothing Mentality to Improve Your Body Image
Confession time. Just over a year ago, I had a photo album on my phone titled “thinspiration.” You’ve probably already deduced the photos were a collection of ladies that I completely and totally envied. Celebrities. Friends. Personal trainers. Even a frenemy. The...
Finding Comfort in the Act of Comparison
I believe that comparison can give me comfort! As a woman I come by comparison naturally. I compare myself or my situation to someone’s and end up feeling hopeless--too discouraged to even try. So how can comparison give me comfort? When I stop comparing my human...