Yesterday I watched the movie Tangled with my kids. It reminded me of how powerful fairy tales are at telling stories and how they assist us in recognizing good and evil in the real world. C.S. Lewis put it this way, regarding fairy tales, "Since it is so likely that...

Worship Me Instead: Do Plus Sized Models Solve Body Image Issues?
I’m a big girl. It hasn’t always been that way. I’ve struggled with my weight on and off for over 20 years. Though I have eight children, it really has nothing to do with all the babies. Neither will I place blame on genetics. It’s simply that too often I have chosen...
The Most Perfect Gift
When I think back to my childhood during the Christmas season, there is one tradition that stands out among any others. An event that brought a real thrill of hope, a longing, a desire, and ultimately, rejoicing. That event was “Going through the Toy Catalog.” I loved...
Curly Hair, Don’t Care (Except that I Really Do)
I saw a t-shirt once that said, "Tease it up to Jesus." I don't have to. When I step out of my house on a humid day, my unruly mane is already halfway up to Heaven. When I played with Barbie as a kid, how I envied that tiny, plastic bombshell. It wasn’t her freakishly...
5 Ways to Live Out a Healthy Body Image For Your Daughter
What does a healthy body image even look like? I honestly didn’t know the answer to that question. I was determined to find out, though. Now I had a daughter. Through her, I saw my own body image struggles in a whole new light. While I knew I would never be able to...
Jesus is Better Than… Control
Today starts a brand new series on Compared to Who called: Jesus is Better! Hope you'll read all three posts this week! My, What a Young Face You Have, My Dear... I’d just started my first day of student teaching. Talking to another teacher about something nostalgic,...
Meet Tiana: A Inspiring 14-Year-Old Helping Girls Who Struggles with Body Image
Today, I'd like to introduce you to Tiana. Tiana is 14 years old and she runs a blog for girls called, "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made." Tiana has a passion for showing girls the truth about the ways they were created. Though I know most of my readers are over the age...
The Lies Women Hear: Life after Domestic Violence
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, today Rebecca shares her powerful story revealing the lies women hear and how she found new life after domestic violence. Will you take a moment today to pray for all those who are victims and pray that they will find...
The Time I Went Without Make-up…and the World Kept Turning
I have worn make-up every day since I first put on eyeshadow as a young teenager and someone told me my eyes looked bigger (YES! Success!). After that, make-up and I became buddies. Best buddies. I never left home without it. One time in college, my roommate’s...
The Fruit Basket: When You Wish You Wore a Different Bra Size
Anxiously, I peered around me. Standing in line to receive my fruit, I saw other women leaving with their pair. Some had limes, lemons, and oranges. Others had grapes, plums or peaches. Still more had grapefruits, cantaloupes, or watermelons. “God,” I moaned. “Please...