There's a big secret to losing weight that doesn't have anything to do with carb to protein ratios, Crossfit workouts, or eating like a caveman. It has to do with love. For the first time, ever, I stepped on the scale on New Year's Day and saw a number I should have...

How the Gospel Speaks to Comparison: Accepted Beyond Measure
Comparison is the name of the game in a gym. I hear it, I see it, I live it. In my classes I notice people work harder if the person next to them is working harder. I hear women tell other women that they wish their (insert body part here) looked more like her (insert...
3 Reasons Why Losing Weight Should NOT be Your First New Year’s Resolution
According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology (University of Scranton), losing weight is consistently the number one New Year’s Resolution that people make. I think this is a huge mistake. Why? Because it doesn’t work… Statistically, fewer than half of the people...
Success Stories and My Story
In the fitness world we refer to the story of how someone went from being unhealthy, overweight or out of shape to healthy and fit as a "success story." In the church we also have a success story equivalent. We refer to how someone has changed their life spiritually...
The Diet of Religion
I'm on a diet. I know, I know, I'm in the industry and I'm not supposed to use that word. I'm supposed to make "lifestyle changes" and tell people I'm just trying to eat healthier... But, that's not the truth. The truth is, I'm on a diet. I'm not eating certain...
Nice and Comfy or Spiritually Cross Fit?
True confession: I can ride a spinning bike for hours and not mind it all that much. Yet, I got on an outdoor bike a few weeks ago and thought I was going to die. Okay that's a slight exaggeration. But only slight. It wasn't pretty. We had a small climb as part of our...
Why Every Christian Should Read the Bible Daily
When I first started blogging one of the hardest things to deal with was acknowledging that people I considered good friends would never stop to read my words. Pouring my heart out and pressing "publish" felt so vulnerable--like I had allowed the whole world to see...
Does Following Jesus Make You Sweat?
Most people are a little embarrassed about sweating-- even while exercising! Although I used to be one of them, I now find this a little ridiculous. How do you know if you've worked hard if your body's cooling response (sweating) hasn't kicked in? Why bother going...
Homeschooling is Scary: Four Reasons Why I Didn’t Think Homeschooling Was for Me
It's been almost one month now since we did what is to some the unthinkable. We withdrew our children from a great public school where they had wonderful and caring teachers and, by the government's standards, were doing well academically. This was one of the most...
Why Jesus Would Trick or Treat
Today I'm taking a break from all things body image and exercise. Inspired by thoughts I read from non-church going friends every October I'm asking: What does it mean to love my neighbor on October 31st. Here are my thoughts: WWJD...What Would Jesus Do? If you were...