I wrote this post a few years ago, but I hope you'll still find it thought provoking this week. Are you following God's recipe or doing your own thing hoping it'll turn out alright? I love recipes. But, I hate to be bound to them. They infringe on my creative ability...

Homeschooling is Scary Part Two: Update & How We Hack School
I've received such great feedback from homeschoolers and aspiring homeschoolers about the Homeschooling is Scary piece I wrote in November. It was written two weeks after we made the huge (and life changing) decision to pull our children out of a good public...
5 Ways to Not Be Depressed By Facebook
Thanks to Facebook, this morning I have: analyzed my toes in an effort to discover my ethnic heritage (no joke), engaged in a heart-rate raising discussion on public versus hack-schooling, learned some interesting facts about broccoli, and identified who among my...
Faking It: Is it Time to Get Real?
If you've ever wondered how your spinning instructor does it. . . teaches a few classes in the same day or seems to get her legs around effortlessly while you are struggling. . . I'll give you a hint: She may be faking it. Faking in spin class is one thing. Faking it...