In this month's Intuitive Eating Coaching call with Heather's Intuitive Eating Coaches--Erin Todd and Char Lee Haze-- we talk about how hard it is to actually make it past step one in Intuitive Eating. Step one of Intuitive Eating involves recognizing and turning from...

Heather Creekmore
The Model and the Mirror Fast: Featuring Jennifer Strickland
Today Heather chats with Jennifer Strickland, a former model who's appeared in magazines you've probably read and shows you may have seen and worked for designers you've heard of. Jen had amazing success in the modeling world but her life was missing meaning and...
You Are More Than A Body With Kristen Clark from Girl Defined
Model Month continues with Heather's conversation with Kristen Clark from Girl Defined. Kristen spent some time as a showroom and conference model in her early twenties. Yes, she was that woman they paid to stand beside the new product to make it look good! But,...
Secret Life of a Runway Model Part 2: Learning Image Isn’t Real
Our brand new series talking to former models continues today with the second part of my conversation with Amanda Cunningham, a former runway model. It's been highly informative to find out more about the secret life of a runway model. Today she shares more about how...
Secret Life of a Runway Model Featuring Amanda Cunningham Part 1
Have you ever looked at a model and thought, "If I could just look like that than I wouldn't struggle with my body image?" I have. I interview Amanda Cunningham, a former runway model who shares some behind the scenes details of what the world of modeling is really...
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made: God Made You on Purpose
Today my guest, Allie Marie Smith, and I talk about the fearfully and wonderfully made verse from Psalm 139:14 and her new book titled, "Wonderfully Made." Allie shares her story of depression and suicide attempts, an eating disorder, and how God has worked through...
It’s Not Your Turn, Or Is It? Waiting for Answered Prayers
It's hard to be in God's waiting room. Whether you're waiting for a spouse, a new job, or some other goal--waiting can be tough. Today I talk to author Heather Thompson Day about her new book, "It's Not Your Turn: What to Do While You're Waiting for Your...
Feeling Awkward Around Food and Aging? Me Too
Today we take a pause to remember what this show is really about. We've spent a lot of time over the past few months talking about food, intuitive eating, and related issues. But, today we revisit the purpose of this show--to help you break free from body image issues...
The Joy Workout: 3 Songs, 12 Minutes to a Lighter Soul
Some of my regular readers know that I quit the gym a few months ago. Since then, I've been struggling with what to do for exercise. Enter: the Joy Workout. I loathe running. Mostly because I look like this when I run. I actually threw up after a 5k. I wish that said...
Can a Deeper Understanding of Grace Cure Comparison?
In today's second installment of the Burden of Better Book Club, Heather talks about how understanding grace cures comparison. In her book, The Burden of Better, Heather explores four different manifestations of grace in the daily life of the follower of Jesus. She...