Today Dr. Juli Slattery and I tackle a tough topic: What do you do when you think your husband hates your body. I've have many women reach out to me over the years with this concern. Today, Dr. Slattery and I take a look at this issue from a few different angles and...

Heather Creekmore
7 Minutes of Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34 and Body Image Fear
Today we look at Matthew 6:25-34 -- a familiar passage in the Bible where Jesus tells us not to worry. But his instruction isn't generic. He tells us not to worry about a few specific things -- he says don't worry about food, drink, and clothing. What? Isn't this what...
Facing the Fear of Losing Your Health: Feat: Trudy Lonesky
One of the largest obstacles to overcome when you release your body image issues and improve your relationship with food is facing the fear of losing your health. Chances are, you've listened to and read all the data about what happens unless you tightly control your...
Are You Afraid of Satisfaction? Intuitive Eating Coaching Call
Are you afraid of satisfaction? Does it feel "wrong" to buy something you would like or to eat something that tastes truly delicious? In my intuitive eating coaching call, Erin Todd--co-host of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast--and I talk about why we...
When You’re Afraid of What Others Think featuring Jill Savage
Are you afraid of what others think of you? Maybe you're worried about what they think of your life, your body, your choices, your struggles. Today, author, speaker, and coach, Jill Savage and I tackle how we handle the fear of what others will think of us. Jill has...
Why Are We So Afraid of Bread: Conquering the Fear of Bread
This conversation may shock and surprise you. Today, non-diet dietician, Tracy Brown and I have an informative conversation about bread avoidance. Over the last decade--bread has become a "scary" food to many who are dieting or trying to lose weight. But, is bread...
Conquering the Fear of Fat feat: Nicole Mesita, RD
Today is the start of a new month-long series about conquering our fears related to body image and food. Nicole Mesita, a non-diet RD, joins me to tackle our first issue: Conquering the Fear of Fat. The data surrounding this issue is astounding. Some studies show 63%...
What to Do When Your Husband is Looking at Porn
Today Heather interviews Rosie Makinney of Fight for Love Ministries--a ministry dedicated to helping women affected by porn in their marriages. Rosie shares the resurrection story of her marriage and how she and her husband came to a new place of hope and healing...
Rachel And Leah: Three Lessons Leah Can Teach Us About Beauty and Body Image
I used to believe that Genesis 29:17 was the meanest verse in the whole Bible. Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. (ESV) How could God tell us that Rachel beamed with physical beauty while Leah lacked great eyes? Isn't that a bit...
Ideals Become Idols and Other Reasons to Stop Comparing
This is the first in a series of three, monthly episodes where we'll talk about my latest book, The Burden of Better. Even if you've read it, these book club episodes go deeper and wider than what was captured in the book. Today we discuss the first part of the...