Rachel was hot, Leah was not ... Bathsheba was lusted after, while Tamar couldn't get her deceased husband's family to fulfill their obligation and marry her. There are so many women in the Bible whose stories we know, but what separates the "hot" from the "not?" Can...

Heather Creekmore
Podcast: 3 Reasons To Get Rid of Those Clothes That Don’t Fit
Clothes that don't fit may be causing you more shame than you know...and no one ever broke free from the shame of body image through shaming themselves! Here are Heather's most compelling reasons to clean out your closet and sweep away body shame. Plus: Helpful tips...
What Easter Speaks to Our Body Image Issues
What does Easter speak to our body image? Easter means you can be free. We all need the reminder that the cross is where our truth worth and value is derived. We aren't more loved by the Father when we are pretty, thin, or well put-together. We aren't more valuable to...
Getting Rid of Clothes That Don’t Fit: Do They Hurt Body Image?
Getting rid of clothes that don't fit and the extra body image issues they cause is a huge topic for many of my readers. For this reason, I decided to UPDATE this post from 2016 and record a podcast episode on the topic you can listen to here! I've been working on a...
Podcast: Women & Porn Finding Hope and Freedom feat. Joy Skarka
Porn can have a huge impact on our body image and relationships. Now 32% of porn users are women and I receive messages every week from women who are struggling with the impact of porn on their marriage. Today I talk to Joy Skarka, an expert on this topic. She has a...
Podcast: Transforming Your Thought Life with Sarah Geringer
Today's conversation is with Sarah Geringer, author of a powerful book on Christian meditation and our thought lives. Sarah and I talk about: the one thing Sarah did each day that transformed her view of herself how to combat the lies that flood our minds how to find...
My 3 Favorite Bible Verses for Body Image Issues
I love God's word. It's rich with truth that applies to every area of our lives. But, I'll be honest. I struggled for many years with my body image and I didn't feel like the Bible helped me. At all. I knew I was "fearfully and wonderfully made." I knew I was "God's...
Podcast: Confessions of an Over 40 Fitness Instructor-Amy Connell
If you like to workout and have ever spent anytime at the gym (or with Peleton) today's episode is for you. Today I talk with my friend, Amy Connell about some "secrets" of the fitness industry. We talk about what it's like to be an over-forty fitness instructor. She...
Podcast: My Interview with Jeanne Terry from Say So!
Recently I recorded a fun & encouraging interview with Jeanne Terry from the Say So! podcast. In this episode I'm on the other side of the mic, answering Jeanne's questions about body image, comparison, and spiritual roots of these issues. If you're new to...
Podcast: 7 Minutes of Scripture Psalm 103
In this episode of Compared to Who? the podcast's 7 Minutes of Scripture, we look at Psalm 103 and how it can encourage your body image and comparison struggles. Instead of waking up and cursing the mirror or the scale (or his life), David wakes up and says, "Bless...