Have you made resolutions? Maybe you've started the year with a great resolve to “improve” this, that, or everything? That was me. For decades. Then God showed me that the self-improvement treadmill was taking me nowhere. And, that's why I wrote this book, The Burden...

Heather Creekmore
Podcast: Don’t Go Back to Egypt: How to Keep Making Progress in Your Body Image Journey
As we start another new year - now is the time to stop and inventory where you've been and where you want to be! We're not talking about your weight, we're talking about your heart. Where have you made progress towards improving your body image? What areas are you...
Why a Bible Reading Plan is Better for Your Body Image than a Diet
If you truly want to reach your "New Year, New You" goals - may I make a suggestion? Don't start a new diet, start a new Bible reading plan. Yes, I understand that the holidays may have taken their toll on the way your jeans fit. I know that every fiber of your being...
Is God Calling You to do Something Small?
Are you called to do something small? With a sheepish grin, she glances down at her coffee then back at me. She takes a few minutes to choose the right words then speaks, "Well, I don't know. We feel like God has called us to do something big. Really big. Like...
Three Ways to Be Thankful For Your Imperfect Body
Do you have to be thankful for your body? No. No... You don't HAVE to be thankful for anything, really, do you? But, I'd like to give you three ways that can help you be thankful for your body -- even if it doesn't look exactly as you'd prefer. No, your body may not...
Podcast: Food, Attitude, Gratitude: Navigating Food Issues at Holidays
Do the holidays stir up feelings of anxiety or stress about food and weight gain? In this episode, author and speaker Heather Creekmore gets real about food, dieting, all the rules, and what happens at the holidays. Should worrying about food consume our holidays? Is...
5 Ways to Not Eat ALL the Candy, Cookies, and Pie This Holiday Season
In less than an hour, my four children amassed over twelve pounds of candy. It was an uncharacteristically cold and rainy trick-or-treat day here, and our neighbors were generous. Too generous. One of the scariest things about Halloween is how afterwards I'm left with...
I Didn’t Know I Struggled: One Ballet Dancer’s Body Image Perspective
It took me being an intern for a body image-focused platform to face the fact that I struggle with my body image. Crazy right? For a long time, I thought body image issues were something that I couldn’t possibly struggle with as someone who would be conventionally...
Podcast: Food Fixation A Spiritual Battle feat. Asheritah Ciuciu
Best-selling author and speaker, Asheritah Ciuciu talks about the struggle with food fixation and its spiritual roots in this fun and informative episode. Listen as Asheritah explains her prayer asking God to be her "divide dietician" and how she's learning to hit her...
Looking for More Help? Affordable Christian Body Image Coaching
Affordable, effective, and God-honoring body image coaching is now more accessible than ever. If you need a Christian body image coach, look no further than Heather from Compared to Who? How much freedom could you find if you had someone to talk to about what's...