I worried he’d be born on Halloween. With an October 30 due date, it certainly could have happened. He’d have to share his birthday with trick-or-treaters, candy comas, and scary movies. I detested the concept and avoided all labor inducing activities for a full...

Heather Creekmore
5 Lessons That Make Aging Gracefully Easier
Last week I turned 41 years old! On this journey, I've begun to practice aging gracefully. I'm not going to lie: it's been hard. Not only is the jump to the big 4-0 finished, I now have to concede to being solidly in my forties. Gulp. But, can I admit something? I've...
Why We Must Stop Saying, “It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts”
It's what's on the inside that counts. -Everyone I distinctly remember how I felt when someone told me, "It's on the inside that counts." Frustration! All through my teens and twenties, I wanted to care less about my weight or my skin or my hair. But, I didn't know...
Tired of Trying to Be Better? Me Too…
I'm officially over hearing about how to be a better mom. You can also keep your ten tips to being a better employee, your six steps to being a better friend, and your secrets to being a great wife lists. Additionally, I'm rejecting all alliterations for building a...
Why I Quit the Gym
"Come with me! We're going for a walk." She shrugged her indifference, then slid on her pink sneakers. It's not always sunny and 75 degrees in February. We maintained a leisurely pace for a few minutes before she took off running. "Can't catch me!" she taunted from...
His Lust Problem Is Not About You
Sixteen: the number of days it had been since I checked my work email. But between the wedding, a cross-country move, and our honeymoon, time hadn't permitted me the luxury. Today I would have to face reality. I opened my new husband's laptop. My computer and the rest...
A Bug on the Windshield: How Body Image Issues Affect Your Future
I pulled out onto the highway and drove at least a mile before I noticed him--a tiny lady bug stuck smack dab in the middle of my windshield! (Isn't it ironic that lady bugs are male? I digress. . .) Attempting to keep my eyes focused on the road and the cars around...
When Your Christian Husband Looks at Other Women: Marriage, Lust, & Body Image with Guest, Rachael Gilbert
Today's episode just may change your life and your marriage. Especially if you've ever felt frustrated that your Christian husband looks at other women. If you've ever struggled with wondering if you are "good enough" for your husband, physically . . . if you've ever...
Podcast: What’s the Healthiest Way for a Christian to Lose Weight? Sara Borgstede
Today on the Compared to Who? Podcast -- Sara Borgstede from the Holy Mess and Faithful Finish Lines -- and I talk about the healthiest way for a Christian to lose weight. I'm not a fan of diet culture because popular diets don't work long term. **2022 update: My...
Podcast: Body Image, Comparison and Clutter at Home? An Interview with Organizer Dana White, A Slob Comes Clean
Is there a connection between comparison and clutter at home? Does keeping your house in order have anything to do with your body image? This conversation may just change your body image and your home! I talk to Dana White of a Slob Comes Clean on how to keep both...