stop comparing. start living

Heather Creekmore

Podcast: New Year, ReNEWed You

Do you fall into the "New Year, New You" trap annually? In today's episode, author Heather Creekmore discusses how instead of trying to get a "new" you through a physical makeover, you should try the Bible's prescription for change -- a transformation that starts with...

19 Lessons I Learned in 2019

For me, 2019 was full of loss, change, and uncertainty. Honestly, I thought 2018 was hard and I had all these wonderful expectations for 2019 to be so much better . . .and yet, it didn't deliver. But, truth is, God doesn't waste any of our days . . . months . . .or...

When Words Hurt

What if your bucket list included owning beautiful shoes--just one pair-- of beautiful, well-fitting shoes? Today I'm sharing a powerful post from my friend, Dr. Michelle Bengtson, about when words hurt. Can I assure you that this is a must read? Many of us bear the...

Ten Ways to Keep Marriage Hot

Last week, my husband and I took a trip to Italy to celebrate ten years of marriage. It wasn't a whim. On our honeymoon, we decided that we would save and plan and do this trip as a celebration of the decade mark. By God's grace alone---we made it! (To both Italy and...