Has a bad haircut ever taken the wind out of your sails? Does a bad hair day make you want to fake the flu? Do you keep the same hairstyle because you're afraid of the hairdresser's power over your appearance? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this...

Heather Creekmore
13 Things I’ve Learned in 13 Years of Marriage
Today's my 13th wedding anniversary! When I got married I thought I knew a lot about marriage. I had heard it would be "hard" but, deep down, I believed I was smart enough to hack it. Boy, was I wrong! So, in honor of my thirteenth, here are 13 things I've learned...
Podcast: How to Hush the Hustle Parts 1 & 2
Are you always hustling? Are you chasing "better" hoping some day you'll reach it by getting a "better" body or a "better" house or a "better" job. Maybe you dream of making your marriage "better" or are just constantly on the treadmill of self-improvement. Whatever...
Why No One Knows I Have Body Image Issues
When I walk into a room full of women, it's hard for me to stop my brain from assessing where I rank in terms of my physical size. On a bad day I can tell you in seconds how many women are thinner and how many women are heavier than I am. I'm not proud of this. But,...
What You Think About Matters: Your Thought Life and Body Image
How's your thought life? Does your thought life matter to your body image issues? Do you secretly think well of others or do you sometimes find yourself thinking critical or unkind thoughts? Does it even matter? (I mean, it's not like anyone KNOWS what thoughts are...
Podcast: What to Do When You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In
Ever feel like you don't fit in? Ever struggle to be part of the crowd? Do you ever feel like you're in that old Sesame Street game, "Which of these is not like the other?" If so, know you're not alone. Most of us feel that way at some point in our lives. Making new...
How Do I Help My Daughter With Her Body Image? The First 4 Steps
I don't know at what exact moment it all changed. But I remember in third grade when I stood in front of the gold-trimmed, full-length mirror in the corner of my room and made an assessment that I would carry with me for decades: My thighs were large. This thought...
Stop Telling Her She’s Pretty: Help Your Daughter Feel Confident
As we continue our Helping Your Daughter with her Body Image Series, today, I want to ask you to do something unexpected to help your daughter feel confident. I want you to stop telling her she's pretty. Allow me to explain how this can help your daughter feel...
Grace That is Greater Than Botox: When Beauty Doesn’t Do What We Hoped it Would
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age. . . Titus 2:11-12 For years I fought a daily battle with my body....
20 Ways to Feel Lighter This Summer: Quick Body Image Boosters
Body image isn't really about your body. It's not about your size, your weight, or dimensions. No, it's about your brain and your heart. Although many popular psychologists would only acknowledge poor thinking as the problem, poor patterns of belief are just as much...