The music blares as we reach one of the most intense parts of the workout. Resistance is high and to encourage my spin class to make it up the fictitious hill we are climbing, I yell it out. Come on. . . WORK FOR IT! Sure, I throw in some "You can do its" and an...

Heather Creekmore
How to Host a Stress-Free Dinner Party (and Why You Should)
Most people don't socialize anymore. I'm likely over-generalizing. But, I think it's true. I remember as a kid my mom would throw big parties for friends. The one I remember most required her to purchase fifty bamboo trays for people to use to hold their dinners. It...
Body Image Issues in Marriage: Why No Mere Man Can Help
Grapefruit, salmon burgers, and plain oatmeal; the exhaustive list of foods--aside from unbuttered vegetables--that were “legal” on my pre-wedding diet. In six short weeks, I'd be sitting in Hawaii eating room service with my new husband. I could endure this...
Confession a Real (Thick-Thighed) Swimsuit Model
Hi. My name is Heather and I'm a real swimsuit model. Thick thighs, post-baby flab, deflated nursing boobs and all. Of course I'm not the kind featured in Sports Illustrated. You'll never see me in a suntan lotion ad or on a billboard holding a summer-y beverage. My...
Easter:: Easter Means You Are Free!
"Thank you! I'm looking forward to allowing God to love me like never before." Her message gave me goosebumps as I read it. I am excited and encouraged each time I hear from another woman ready to start a journey towards body image freedom. (Have a story to share?...
Ten Reasons to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Comparison: the thief of joy, the enemy of peace, the nemesis of rest . . . We know it's not "good" for us to compare. Though some argue it has helpful benefits in the workplace and can "propel" us to greatness . . .I disagree. Every time we're focused on how we're...
I Want You To Like Me: Guest Post from Alisha Illian
Super excited to have a guest post from a phenomenal blogger, Alisha Illian and her post, "I Want You to Like Me!" You may not instantly recognize her name, but you've likely read her review of Rachel Hollis' book, "Girl, Wash Your Face." Today, she writes for...
When None of Your Clothes Spark Joy: Can’t Seem to Tidy Up?
Quick! Run into your closet and pull everything out of it. Then, hug each item and only hold on to the ones that spark joy. That's the Kondo method. It's a nice concept, isn't it. Marie Kondo has taken the world by storm. I made it through one episode of her "Tidying...
What Happens After Day 31: Hope if Your Habits Falter
This is Day 31. Thirty-one days ago we started school. My house was clean. My freezer meals were prepped. My desk looked like a professional organizer stopped by. And, our routine was rock solid. I made a schedule and we stuck to it. This is what homeschool moms do. I...
Podcast, Season 1, Ep 5: Fear and Body Image Issues
Fear! It can rule our lives. Cause us to be anxious, worry, stress, and to have a negative body image. Is fear at the root of your body image issues? Does fear hold you back from doing what God has called you to do? Does fear flood your mind or plague your thoughts?...