Weight loss. Sigh. Seems like every commercial break from January 'til June gives me no fewer than three weight loss program options. Especially on Food Network. Goodness. Can't I just watch them bake delicious concoctions without the every-seven-minutes reminders...

Heather Creekmore
Compared to Who the Podcast is Here!
The Podcast is rolling! Here are the links you need to listen, download, and subscribe to the new podcast! Listen here on ITunes Listen here on Google Play Listen here on Stitcher I'd be so grateful if you'd give me a review on iTunes! This means a lot to those...
Podcast: Do You Need a New Year, New You?
It's January 1st and what's everyone talking about? New Year's Resolutions!! If you feel like you need a "New Year, New You" EVERY year, then this episode is for you. Why do we make New Year's Resolutions? Why do we BREAK New Year's Resolutions? How can we live life...
Podcast: Habits That Keep Us Stuck With Negative Body Image
Yes, Compared to Who can help you find body image freedom. But, once you do, there may be some habits you have that will work against keeping that freedom. In this episode, Heather Creekmore talks about habits that we engage in that can make our body image issues...
Podcast: What is Body Image Idolatry
Ever heard of the term, "Body Image Idolatry?" I sure hadn't. I wrestled body image and comparison issues for years, believing I'd heard all the "Christian" answers to my body image issues. But, it wasn't until I heard Dr. Tim Keller, former pastor of Redeemer...
Podcast Season 1 Ep 1, What is Compared to Who?
In the first episode of Compared to Who? the podcast, I explain a little bit more of the heart and purpose of Compared to Who?'s ministry. I also try to explain what is different about Compared to Who? and how our perspective is a little different than some other...
What Christmas Speaks to My Body Image Issues
Eight Christmas parties in seven days. Fun, right? Can I just tell you that we have some friends who are foodies and, well, wow have I consumed some massive quantities of calories lately. So, this morning when I had the privilege of stepping on the scales at the...
The Birth That Defines My Worth
“Looks like you’ve gained a few pounds.” The dressing room mirror taunts. “I’m sure it’s just this dress. Maybe it’s mis-sized,” I answer it back in my head. “I’ve not been that bad.” I shimmy my way out of the fitted dress and throw it on the bench so it knows it’s...
5 Ways to Get Your Shopping Habits Under Control
Take another 30% off clearance. Six words that make my heart so happy. My husband insists that nothing makes my face light up quite like a full rack of mark-downs and a coupon for extra discounts. I love shopping. Too much. Recently I’ve been trying to curb my...
Psalm 23 and Your Body Image
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. If you've been a Christian for a while, there's a good chance you've heard (or memorized) this passage of scripture. It offers comfort when we're scared, hope when we're facing adversity. But, did you know this passage has a...