Here's a question about an experience many of us have had, but few of us will admit to. This was a real reader question, used by permission here. This is what I said to encourage a reader who struggles with comparing herself to another woman. Dear Heather: A new woman...

Heather Creekmore
Looking Hot Versus Modesty: A Letter to a Young Woman
My Dear Girl: Where did the time go? I just saw your picture on Facebook and could hardly believe how grown up you look. You are not that precocious five-year-old girl to whom I used to sing the Dora the Explorer song. You are technically an adult now. Wow! But, as I...
Total Transformation Versus Coffee-mate Christians
It's inspiring to watch someone's life be transformed. From a fitness standpoint, think about Biggest Loser kind of results. How awesome is it to watch someone on the brink of, quite literally, death, morph into the picture of health and happiness? I worked in the...
Quenching Our Thirst: Cure for Spiritual Dehydration
Up to 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. I used to see this every week at the gym. Without water, not only does exercise performance suffer (up to 30%) -- but almost every aspect of you, physiologically, suffers as well. Dehydration can cause symptoms...
Clinging to the Remote: Do You Have Control Issues?
(If you ever struggle with control issues, I hope you enjoy this post from when I first started blogging!) A few nights ago my nine month old decided to have an opinion. He's been the happiest, easiest, most laid back little fellow. But, this week, he decided to...
Should Christians Get Boob Jobs? Coveting Cup Size & Confidence
"I want to get them done." Annie confessed. "I mean, I really want to get them done. I'm obsessed with the idea." "Ok." I replied simply. "Do you know why?" "Well, I don't look the same as I did before nursing. There's nothing there anymore. I know I'd feel better...
The Beauty Trap
The fear of man lays a snare but whoever trusts in The Lord is safe. Proverbs 29:25 (ESV) A few years ago I diligently watched the Today show #LoveYourSelfie series. If you missed it, the basic premise was to uncover ways to help solve our society's prevalent struggle...
I Want My Beauty Idol
Are you a Christian who longs to be more beautiful? Read this! I'll admit it. I've watched way too many seasons of American Idol. I liked to pick my faves during auditions and see how far they could go. I loved the emotional drama of Hollywood Week. Yes, I sometimes...
Quieting That Mean Inner Voice, It’s Not Just Self Talk
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this age. Ephesians 6:12 Why is inner voice so mean? You've heard the cliche . . . "You wouldn't talk that way to a friend, why would you talk that way to...
How to Help Your Wife With Body Image Issues
Though my followers are mostly women, today's post is written for the man in your life. If you are married, pass it on to your husband after you read. I hope you can talk through it together and reach a new level of understanding on this issue. (Not married? I hope...