stop comparing. start living

Heather Creekmore

Should Women Reinvent Themselves?

“I’m back! We women have to reinvent ourselves every year. That’s just the way it goes. Now, I’m back. Isn’t it marvelous? I look different. I feel different. I'm BAAAACK!” These words flowed out of the mouth of some former celebrity-turned-interior designer. I’d...

How Do I Stop Comparing Myself to My Friend?

This post is a part of a series titled, "Questions about Body Image and Comparison." Here's today's question: Dear Heather: My best friend has a great figure. But she seems to do nothing to work at it. She eats what she wants and barely exercises, yet still looks...

Jesus is Better Than A Perfect Body Image

Yes, you read that right. He's not just better than the perfect body, he's even better than the perfect perspective of our bodies! I mean, obviously, here at Compared to Who we want all Christian women to experience the freedom that comes with a healthy body image....

Do You Know How You Were Designed?

I sit in the waiting area, listening to my nine-year-old son's computer class. I'm mentally transported to my college freshman year Intro to Math course, where Dr. Widmar spoke to us, with his back always to the blackboard, in some special language that only computer...