stop comparing. start living

Heather Creekmore

Four Things to Do When You Want to Quit

Today I decided to eat potato chips and chocolate chips (it's a great combination if you've never tried it) and sit in front of the television watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. Sounds productive, right? But, honestly, I feel like there's probably...

I’m Too Fat

Today is the final installment in the series "Real Women. Real Stories." Each of the women featured in the past two weeks took part in the making of the video trailer for the book, Compared to Who? Each has a real story of battling lies about their value and worth and...

I’m Too Pale

This is the first post in a new series featuring the REAL women who were part of the making of the video trailer for the Compared to Who? book! Get to know these women by reading a bit about their stories and how they've battled hearing the enemies lies about their...

Best Songs to Beat Insecurity

Updated 8/19: Have you noticed a common theme in some of the most popular songs on Christian radio right now? I sure have. There seems to be a trend of songs to encourage women (and men) about their true value and worth!  Here's my list of the best songs to beat...