Women are beasts at this comparison game. We can mentally assess our rank in a room full of women in seconds. And we do it reflexively. It takes mental effort to stop this destructive habit now that I see it for what it really is. So, I'm not surprised at how hard...

Heather Creekmore
National Body Image Study: What Do Women Really Think of Their Bodies?
What do women REALLY think of their bodies? Is there a difference between how Christian women and those who claim no faith in Christ feel about their bodies? Do Christian women handle their body image struggles any differently than those without faith? These are just...
Want Your Body and Life to Change? Be Teachable.
Spinning, (group indoor cycling if you are unfamiliar with the term), is somewhat of a complex sport for a newbie. You have to get "set up" on your bike, learn the hand positions, and try to get a grasp on the other safety metrics and movements so that you can get the...
How To Trust When God Throws You in the Deep End
It’s summer time in Texas and my toddlers are learning to swim. Simon is 2, a year and a half younger than big sister Miriam, but he is mountains braver when it comes to jumping in the pool. As some of you would agree, you don’t actually want your kids to be that...
Four Things to Do When You Want to Quit
Today I decided to eat potato chips and chocolate chips (it's a great combination if you've never tried it) and sit in front of the television watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. Sounds productive, right? But, honestly, I feel like there's probably...
I’m Too Fat
Today is the final installment in the series "Real Women. Real Stories." Each of the women featured in the past two weeks took part in the making of the video trailer for the book, Compared to Who? Each has a real story of battling lies about their value and worth and...
I’m Too Pale
This is the first post in a new series featuring the REAL women who were part of the making of the video trailer for the Compared to Who? book! Get to know these women by reading a bit about their stories and how they've battled hearing the enemies lies about their...
I’m Tired of Waiting: What to do while you are waiting on God!
I read her Facebook post and couldn't stop my lips from settling into a giant smile. It read: When will I look older? Ahhh . . . I remember feeling that way; visiting a college campus and hoping that people would think I looked eighteen instead of sixteen. Now that...
Healthy Summer Kid Snack Recipe: Peanut Butter Balls
Okay, so I'm not exactly a food blogger. No Pioneer Woman here. And if you saw my epic bake fail on Netflix, you may be hesitant to follow my food recipes . . . BUT . . . I do have four children who are ALWAYS hungry. Especially in the summer. An hour of swimming and...
Best Songs to Beat Insecurity
Updated 8/19: Have you noticed a common theme in some of the most popular songs on Christian radio right now? I sure have. There seems to be a trend of songs to encourage women (and men) about their true value and worth! Here's my list of the best songs to beat...