I didn't know that anyone preferred the crispy edge of the brownies. In fact, when someone invented the Edge Brownie Pan I thought, "That thing will never sell. No one likes those edges." For decades, I would systematically remove all the edges from the brownies as I...

Heather Creekmore
Core Strength: The Gospel and Body Image
Have a c-section or back surgery and you'll find out-- really fast-- how important your abdominal muscles are. That's why you hear, over and over again in the fitness world, that you must strengthen your core. "You have to focus on strengthening those abs . . .your...
What You Need Instead of Self-Esteem
There's nothing worse than being duped. Conned. Swindled. Misled. Deceived. Yet that's what has happened to so many of us on the issue of our body image. We've been told that if we had more self-esteem, then . . . then . . .we would feel like a bunch of hotties--like...
Compared to Who Book Trailer And Behind the Scenes
This may make you cry. I'm just warning you. I asked these friends (and friends of friends --yes, some women showed up at my house to do this that I didn't even know!) to come and to write down what lie they hear most often when they look in the mirror. Wow! That's...
My Night With a Con Man
Part of me didn't really believe there were liars like him in this world. I'd seen them on TV and such, but the bad guy was so easy to spot in those stories. People who fell into the sticky web of news-making con-artists exuded obvious naivety. I'd never do that. I...
Are You Willing to Be Better? When You Feel Like a Leper
Have you ever felt like a leper? I know I have. I remember when I was deep in the eating disorder and looked like mere skin and bones (as shown below). People would point at me on the road and laugh; would pass mean comments about me assuming I was deaf; and people...
Pregnant Over the Summer? 5 Tips to Combat the Body Image Struggle
I am 5 months pregnant with my fourth son. That means in the middle of the summer I will be 8 months pregnant. This isn't my first time being pregnant over the summer. No, in fact I've had three summer pregnancies, and have been hugely pregnant in the dead heat once....
Three Ways to Find an Answer to: Am I Enough?
Fear, imposter’s syndrome, inadequacy, performance anxiety, or identity issues. Whatever you want to call it, it’s that aching fear in my heart that I am just not enough. This heart ache colors so much of my life: my relationships, work, sense of well-being, ministry,...
An Important Fight: Keep Fighting For Your Body Image
Five months before I wrote my first post for Compared to Who?, I spent a summer at home in Uganda with my family. Which included three and a half months of drinking water, no cookies, late night talks with ginger tea, laughing hard, and taking long uphill walks. When...
Would You Love Me More if My Body Was Perfect?
My struggle with body image began at a very young age. I grew up in a dysfunctional family and was not taught about God’s unconditional love and acceptance as a child. As a victim of emotional abuse, I have struggled with knowing my own worth my entire life. My...