stop comparing. start living

Heather Creekmore

Brave is the New Beautiful

I didn't really know what to expect when I agreed to check out a new book by Lee Wolfe Blum called Brave is the New Beautiful. I knew a little about Lee, that she wrote about body image and eating disorders. And, I knew I liked her writing. (She's a part of my...

What Stops Us From Saying, “Come on In!”

The doorbell rings and my seven-year-old answers. He's our most out-going child, counting everyone a friend. Because it's usually someone under the age of ten ringing the bell anyway, I keep working and happily allow him the privilege of being doorman. But, this time...

Join the Compared to Who? Launch Team!

You don't need more advice on how to love yourself better. Do you? I sure didn't. I knew all the cliches like, "It's what's on the inside that counts." I knew I should just stare in the mirror until I found something I liked about myself. (Then, somehow, the...

Is a Five Minute Workout Long Enough?

If I told you in just five minutes a day (that's right, five minutes) you could transform your body, would you believe me? Probably not. Right? Anyone who knows a little something about exercise knows that it takes more than 5 minutes to see real results. God reminded...

Little Mirrors: Encouragement for Moms

Here's a post from a few years back . . .a good reminder for all of us moms! He yells, "Don't do that!" and sounds serious (and maybe a little mean). He gets exasperated when things aren't just right and yells, "ARRRGGGH!" Too often, he tells his younger siblings what...