How can I encourage my single friend who desires marriage? What do I say (or not say) to my single friends? Today, Jennifer Hand and I talk about her journey as a forty-year-old single woman. We talk about all the assumptions we make around our friends who are single...

Heather Creekmore
Moving from Fear to Faith Featuring Jenn Hand
You'll be encouraged by today's conversation on the topic of overcoming fear to say "Yes" to what God asks of us! Heather's guest today, Jennifer Hand, is Executive Director of Coming Alive ministries and a missionary who travels the world to minister to people who...
Why Am I Obsessed With Being Thinner
For many years I believed that if I could just lose the weight, then I would arrive. Arrive where, I didn't know specifically. I'm not sure I cared, because I knew it would certainly be a better place. A place where trying on clothes was an easy and enjoyable task. My...
7 Minutes of Scripture: Understanding Our Adoption Ephesians 1
Understanding your adoption in Christ can impact your identity in an amazing way. In today's 7 Minutes of Scripture episode we explore the passage in Ephesians 1 where Paul explains that we are adopted sons and daughters of God through Jesus. Heather tells the story...
Intuitive Eating Coaching: Vacation, Visiting Family & More
Heather just got back from her first vacation as an "Intuitive Eater," and she learned a lot about herself and her food habits. Today, Heather talks to Erin Todd and Char-Lee Cassel of the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast. Heather's coaches take her on an...
Cleaning Your House and Body Image Issues Connection
Did you know that your body image issues and cleaning your house like a crazy person may be connected? If you've ever turned into a cleaning Gestapo before company came over or if you've ever stressed way too much over how your house looked, you may be surprised to...
4 Vacation Tips for Women With Body Image & Control Issues
Today Heather's delivering vacation tips for women who struggle with body image and control issues. These struggles don't go on vacation when we do. In fact, sometimes a vacation can bring out the worst of our struggles. Between our disappointments, guilt over being...
Holy or Hot? How to Make Holiness What We Really Desire
Do we want to be hot or holy? Your answer may be: Both! But the pursuit of a hotter body and the pursuit of looking more like Jesus can sometimes be competing interests. Of course, our pursuit of beauty isn't something to be ashamed of. We've been programmed to...
20 Ways to Feel Lighter This Summer Part 2
Ready to feel lighter this summer and not so weighed down by body image issues? In today's episode, Heather shares the final tips of this 2 part, the "20 Ways to Feel Lighter" episode. You won't find diet or supplement strategies here. Instead, these are simple...
20 Ways to Feel Lighter This Summer Without Weight Loss: Part 1
Ready to feel lighter this summer and not so weighed down by body image issues? In today's episode, Heather shares the first several tips of this 2 part, the "20 Ways to Feel Lighter" episode. These tips aren't dieting or exercise tricks. Instead, they are things that...