Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 18 – Pride
I'll admit -- I like to be right. I like to have people acknowledge it when I do well. I like to be seen as good, the best, or admirable. And, friends--it's all my pride. Today we talk about how pride impacts our body image struggles, why pride keeps us stuck, and how...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 17 – Covetousness
What does it mean to covet? Is coveting actually a problem in our body image struggles? Could our constant coveting be keeping us from body image freedom? Worse yet--what are we really doing when we covet another woman's body "assets"? Today we'll tackle these...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 16 – Envy
Today's topic is a tough one-- envy! Sigh. Could envy be a stronghold in our body image issues? Yes, it can and often is. We get so stuck in envying how she looks or how she lost the weight or how she bounced back after pregnancy or how she got thinner during...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 15 – Body Image Idol Part 2
Today we talk about body image idolatry one more time - looking at how body image idolatry can impact our daily lives and what it looks like to be lured into serving the body image idol on day to day basis. If you've never noticed or heard about the body image idol -...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 14 – Body Image Idol
Body image idolatry - What is that? If you're new to this show or my ministry, this episode will tell you about the number one reason why I believe Christian women get stuck in body image issues. It's so easy for us to make an idol out of our ideal bodies. We believe...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 13 – Idol of Self
What is the idol of self and what does our "ideal body" have to do with it? That's what we'll talk about in today's episode. Plus: We'll pray for the power and strength to release our ideals and to turn away from the idol of self and all that it stands for. Have you...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 12 – Others’ Opinions
Do other's opinions of your body impact your body image? Of course they do...for most of us at least. So how do we free ourselves from the opinions (and perhaps approval) of other people? How do we keep their body image issues from rubbing off onto us? How do we not...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 11 – Fear
Can you believe that the root of most of our body image issues is fear? That may seem hard to believe. You may believe the root is that your weight is wrong or your body shape is not what you prefer--but under it all is a secret root of fear--fear that connects to...
5 Ways Compared to Who is Different Than Other Christian Books About Body Image
I've read lots of books on body image, insecurity, self-esteem--with lovely Christian authors who attack these issues and encourage women who desperately crave healing in this area. Most of them helped me a little. Some, helped a lot. Others, didn't help at all. But,...
30 Days to Pray for Body Image: Day 10 – Guilt
Today we're talking about guilt and how all of our rules about our bodies, our diets, our exercise can add extra guilt we were never meant to carry. Guilt leads to shame and condemnation (and if you check out our verse of the day-- condemnation is something Jesus died...