Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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When Your Christian Husband Looks at Other Women: Marriage, Lust, & Body Image with Guest, Rachael Gilbert
Today's episode just may change your life and your marriage. Especially if you've ever felt frustrated that your Christian husband looks at other women. If you've ever struggled with wondering if you are "good enough" for your husband, physically . . . if you've ever...
Podcast: What’s the Healthiest Way for a Christian to Lose Weight? Sara Borgstede
Today on the Compared to Who? Podcast -- Sara Borgstede from the Holy Mess and Faithful Finish Lines -- and I talk about the healthiest way for a Christian to lose weight. I'm not a fan of diet culture because popular diets don't work long term. **2022 update: My...
Podcast: Real Women, Real Hope: Kassandra Baker on Orthorexia and How Clean Eating Didn’t Fix Body Image
Kassandra Baker and I get real about the struggles of eating disorders (or ED as she calls them) and talk about her journey through Orthorexia and how God has shown her a freedom she never thought possible. If you love stories of real women who have found recovery and...
Podcast: Body Image, Comparison and Clutter at Home? An Interview with Organizer Dana White, A Slob Comes Clean
Is there a connection between comparison and clutter at home? Does keeping your house in order have anything to do with your body image? This conversation may just change your body image and your home! I talk to Dana White of a Slob Comes Clean on how to keep both...
What to Do if He Battles Lust: Help! My Christian Husband Looks at Porn.
Thanks to shelter-in-place orders and too much time at home with screens, pornography use is on the rise again. If your Christian husband looks at porn, or if you're wrestling the impact of porn use in your marriage, I hope you'll take a moment to read this and take...
Will We Really Have Better Bodies in Heaven?
I grew up in church. So I've heard it. I've repeated it even. "Don't worry! When we get to heaven we'll all have perfect bodies!" And it's true. We will be perfected once we get there. But over the years I've interpreted that perfection to mean that I'd be a certain...
3 Good Reasons to Stop Comparing
Need some reasons to stop comparing yourself to others? Read this. You slip into your brand new one-piece. It looked okay in the store's dressing room. I can do this. You think to yourself. But one accidental glance at the tag's picture of the gorgeous woman wearing...
Podcast: Jami Amerine on “Well, Girl” and Image
Author, speaker, blogger Jami Amerine and I talk about her journey to becoming an author and what it took to write her story in her forthcoming body image book, "Well, Girl." You'll appreciate Jami's authenticity as she talks about a struggle we all know well. Don't...
How Victoria’s Secret Impacts Body Image: A Letter to My Daughter
I wrote this quick letter to my daughter about her value a few months ago, the evening that the Victoria's Secret swimsuit special aired on national television. I think our girls have it tough on the body image front in this Victoria's Secret world we live in. I...
Podcast: Erin Todd on Freedom From Unhealthy Food Rules
Today I talk with my friend Erin Todd a "Ginger in Progress" about how God set her free from body image issues, restrictive eating habits (including Orthorexia), and how he has showed her how to embrace freedom when it comes to food. Listen as Erin shares her story...