Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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Three Ways to Deal if Your Man’s Past Affects Your Body Image
Does your husband have a past that makes you feel insecure--especially when it comes to the thought of physical intimacy? (Or do you have a boyfriend with a past and the thought of marriage and intimacy makes you feel inadequate?) Here's an email I recently received...
Help! I Can’t Stop Comparing Myself to Another Woman!
Here's a question about an experience many of us have had, but few of us will admit to. This was a real reader question, used by permission here. This is what I said to encourage a reader who struggles with comparing herself to another woman. Dear Heather: A new woman...
Looking Hot Versus Modesty: A Letter to a Young Woman
My Dear Girl: Where did the time go? I just saw your picture on Facebook and could hardly believe how grown up you look. You are not that precocious five-year-old girl to whom I used to sing the Dora the Explorer song. You are technically an adult now. Wow! But, as I...
The Diet of Religion
I'm on a diet. I know, I know, I'm in the industry and I'm not supposed to use that word. I'm supposed to make "lifestyle changes" and tell people I'm just trying to eat healthier... But, that's not the truth. The truth is, I'm on a diet. I'm not eating certain...
Total Transformation Versus Coffee-mate Christians
It's inspiring to watch someone's life be transformed. From a fitness standpoint, think about Biggest Loser kind of results. How awesome is it to watch someone on the brink of, quite literally, death, morph into the picture of health and happiness? I worked in the...
Quenching Our Thirst: Cure for Spiritual Dehydration
Up to 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. I used to see this every week at the gym. Without water, not only does exercise performance suffer (up to 30%) -- but almost every aspect of you, physiologically, suffers as well. Dehydration can cause symptoms...
What Will They Think of ME?
What Will They Think of Me? “Okay! Now get into crunch position on your ball and start to reach up!” the instructor in the video enthusiastically cried out. I looked over the room of teens as they did their best to follow these instructions, and some of them were...
Nice and Comfy or Spiritually Cross Fit?
True confession: I can ride a spinning bike for hours and not mind it all that much. Yet, I got on an outdoor bike a few weeks ago and thought I was going to die. Okay that's a slight exaggeration. But only slight. It wasn't pretty. We had a small climb as part of our...
The Day I Stopped Hiding (And Really Started Living)
My most shining moments NEVER happen in the grocery store. Calculate my spending. Make healthy choices. Keep track of coupons. Now throw in a 2-year-old who loves to launch everything I place in the cart right back out. Enter sweaty palms and tension headache. So on...
Clinging to the Remote: Do You Have Control Issues?
(If you ever struggle with control issues, I hope you enjoy this post from when I first started blogging!) A few nights ago my nine month old decided to have an opinion. He's been the happiest, easiest, most laid back little fellow. But, this week, he decided to...