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Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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Should Christians Get Boob Jobs? Coveting Cup Size & Confidence
"I want to get them done." Annie confessed. "I mean, I really want to get them done. I'm obsessed with the idea." "Ok." I replied simply. "Do you know why?" "Well, I don't look the same as I did before nursing. There's nothing there anymore. I know I'd feel better...
Do You Deserve to Wear Shorts?
Do You DESERVE to Wear Shorts? A Cautionary Tale I spent nearly ten summers refusing to wear shorts. I compromised nearly a decade of summers--boiling in jeans, pretending I preferred them. Okay, okay, there were also a few broom skirts in there. It was the 90’s in...
To My Beautiful Brown Baby Girl
To my beautiful brown baby girl . . . Dear daughter: Mommy will be with you until God takes her home to heaven but God, your perfect heavenly father, will always be with you. He will be with you during times of injustices. You may be denied career, educational,...
The Beauty Trap
The fear of man lays a snare but whoever trusts in The Lord is safe. Proverbs 29:25 (ESV) A few years ago I diligently watched the Today show #LoveYourSelfie series. If you missed it, the basic premise was to uncover ways to help solve our society's prevalent struggle...
I Want My Beauty Idol
Are you a Christian who longs to be more beautiful? Read this! I'll admit it. I've watched way too many seasons of American Idol. I liked to pick my faves during auditions and see how far they could go. I loved the emotional drama of Hollywood Week. Yes, I sometimes...
Big, Fat Lies About Identity: Trading for the Truth
Why did I choose today to let her pick her own clothes?! Of course, today we’d bump into her--the mom that makes me feel like the Peg Bundy to her June Cleaver. I looked down at my daughter. Princess dress. Leopard boots. Red Christmas coat. Christmas was weeks past...
This is My Healthy
At the beginning of May, I celebrated my 26th birthday. I had decided to spend the morning at my favorite coffee shop, enjoying my latest guilty pleasure:Gone Girl. I got dressed, put on a touch of makeup, and as I headed out the door I stopped in front of the mirror...
Why Every Christian Should Read the Bible Daily
When I first started blogging one of the hardest things to deal with was acknowledging that people I considered good friends would never stop to read my words. Pouring my heart out and pressing "publish" felt so vulnerable--like I had allowed the whole world to see...
Quieting That Mean Inner Voice, It’s Not Just Self Talk
We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this age. Ephesians 6:12 Why is inner voice so mean? You've heard the cliche . . . "You wouldn't talk that way to a friend, why would you talk that way to...
How to Help Your Wife With Body Image Issues
Though my followers are mostly women, today's post is written for the man in your life. If you are married, pass it on to your husband after you read. I hope you can talk through it together and reach a new level of understanding on this issue. (Not married? I hope...