Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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Compared to Who? Poem by Amy Owens
I'd like to introduce you to Amy Owens, a poet in Ireland who put beautiful words and rhyme to the struggle with body image and comparison. I know they will touch your heart. Consider leaving a comment at the very bottom if they do! I know it would encourage Amy!...
Worship Me Instead: Do Plus Sized Models Solve Body Image Issues?
I’m a big girl. It hasn’t always been that way. I’ve struggled with my weight on and off for over 20 years. Though I have eight children, it really has nothing to do with all the babies. Neither will I place blame on genetics. It’s simply that too often I have chosen...
Lose Weight, Shred Fat, Drop Inches…Should Christians Diet?
Should Christians diet? Should we, as Christians, always be "on a diet"? Read more on this important topic, here! Eight pounds. That's what I've gained since I started actively pursuing a sedentary lifestyle. It wasn't my intention to spend the first four months of...
Three Reasons You Don’t Belong at The Clearance Rack
There's a lot to love about January. A new year. Fresh start. Renewed motivation. Crisp cold air that keeps us snuggled inside by the fire. Snow days. Clearance sales. Wait! What was that last one? I confess. I am a shopper. I like to buy clothing. Too much. I've...
Should Women Reinvent Themselves?
“I’m back! We women have to reinvent ourselves every year. That’s just the way it goes. Now, I’m back. Isn’t it marvelous? I look different. I feel different. I'm BAAAACK!” These words flowed out of the mouth of some former celebrity-turned-interior designer. I’d...
The Most Perfect Gift
When I think back to my childhood during the Christmas season, there is one tradition that stands out among any others. An event that brought a real thrill of hope, a longing, a desire, and ultimately, rejoicing. That event was “Going through the Toy Catalog.” I loved...
When Holiday Parties Make You Feel Like You Don’t Fit In
You managed to squeeze into your okay-est jeans and a festive top. It's a Christmas Party after all. You've got to look the part. But, who greets you at the door? Well, if it isn't Miss Perfect. The "Hostess with the Most-est" in a form fitting red dress that shows...
Curly Hair, Don’t Care (Except that I Really Do)
I saw a t-shirt once that said, "Tease it up to Jesus." I don't have to. When I step out of my house on a humid day, my unruly mane is already halfway up to Heaven. When I played with Barbie as a kid, how I envied that tiny, plastic bombshell. It wasn’t her freakishly...
Does Following Jesus Make You Sweat?
Most people are a little embarrassed about sweating-- even while exercising! Although I used to be one of them, I now find this a little ridiculous. How do you know if you've worked hard if your body's cooling response (sweating) hasn't kicked in? Why bother going...
Homeschooling is Scary: Four Reasons Why I Didn’t Think Homeschooling Was for Me
It's been almost one month now since we did what is to some the unthinkable. We withdrew our children from a great public school where they had wonderful and caring teachers and, by the government's standards, were doing well academically. This was one of the most...