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Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!

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The Most Perfect Gift

The Most Perfect Gift

When I think back to my childhood during the Christmas season, there is one tradition that stands out among any others. An event that brought a real thrill of hope, a longing, a desire, and ultimately, rejoicing. That event was “Going through the Toy Catalog.” I loved...

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Curly Hair, Don’t Care (Except that I Really Do)

Curly Hair, Don’t Care (Except that I Really Do)

I saw a t-shirt once that said, "Tease it up to Jesus." I don't have to. When I step out of my house on a humid day, my unruly mane is already halfway up to Heaven. When I played with Barbie as a kid, how I envied that tiny, plastic bombshell. It wasn’t her freakishly...

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Does Following Jesus Make You Sweat?

Does Following Jesus Make You Sweat?

Most people are a little embarrassed about sweating-- even while exercising!  Although I used to be one of them, I now find this a little ridiculous. How do you know if you've worked hard if your body's cooling response (sweating) hasn't kicked in?  Why bother going...

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