Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
Click to access a specific category of articles, search the blog or scroll down for the most recent posts!
5 Ways to Live Out a Healthy Body Image For Your Daughter
What does a healthy body image even look like? I honestly didn’t know the answer to that question. I was determined to find out, though. Now I had a daughter. Through her, I saw my own body image struggles in a whole new light. While I knew I would never be able to...
Printable Body Image Prayer for My Daughter
This is a prayer I wrote for every girl mom. If we want to keep our girls from struggling with body image and comparison the way that we have, the best things we can do are model a healthy body image and sense of Christ-derived value and to pray. Print this prayer and...
How Do I Stop Comparing Myself to My Friend?
This post is a part of a series titled, "Questions about Body Image and Comparison." Here's today's question: Dear Heather: My best friend has a great figure. But she seems to do nothing to work at it. She eats what she wants and barely exercises, yet still looks...
Three Ways to Deal With Mean Women (and Girls)
Nervousness clenched my stomach. We sat at a small coffee shop across the street discussing what the interview would be like. "She's pretty tough," Dave said. "But, I think you'll do just fine. Just act confident and she'll like you." My first real...
Why Jesus Would Trick or Treat
Today I'm taking a break from all things body image and exercise. Inspired by thoughts I read from non-church going friends every October I'm asking: What does it mean to love my neighbor on October 31st. Here are my thoughts: WWJD...What Would Jesus Do? If you were...
Jesus is Better Than Optimal Health
Unlike most people who go to the doctor for a routine check up, I was extremely excited to meet my new integrative doctor and learn the results of my body scan. I eat pretty healthy, I work out, I make my health a priority. So when I logged in to the patient portal...
Jesus is Better Than A Perfect Body Image
Yes, you read that right. He's not just better than the perfect body, he's even better than the perfect perspective of our bodies! I mean, obviously, here at Compared to Who we want all Christian women to experience the freedom that comes with a healthy body image....
Jesus is Better Than… Control
Today starts a brand new series on Compared to Who called: Jesus is Better! Hope you'll read all three posts this week! My, What a Young Face You Have, My Dear... I’d just started my first day of student teaching. Talking to another teacher about something nostalgic,...
Meet Tiana: A Inspiring 14-Year-Old Helping Girls Who Struggles with Body Image
Today, I'd like to introduce you to Tiana. Tiana is 14 years old and she runs a blog for girls called, "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made." Tiana has a passion for showing girls the truth about the ways they were created. Though I know most of my readers are over the age...
The Lies Women Hear: Life after Domestic Violence
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, today Rebecca shares her powerful story revealing the lies women hear and how she found new life after domestic violence. Will you take a moment today to pray for all those who are victims and pray that they will find...