Stop comparing and start living!

How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?

Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!

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Why Jesus Would Trick or Treat

Why Jesus Would Trick or Treat

Today I'm taking a break from all things body image and exercise.  Inspired by thoughts I read from non-church going friends every October I'm asking: What does it mean to love my neighbor on October 31st. Here are my thoughts: WWJD...What Would Jesus Do? If you were...

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Jesus is Better Than Optimal Health

Jesus is Better Than Optimal Health

Unlike most people who go to the doctor for a routine check up, I was extremely excited to meet my new integrative doctor and learn the results of my body scan. I eat pretty healthy, I work out, I make my health a priority. So when I logged in to the patient portal...

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Jesus is Better Than… Control

Jesus is Better Than… Control

Today starts a brand new series on Compared to Who called: Jesus is Better! Hope you'll read all three posts this week! My, What a Young Face You Have, My Dear... I’d just started my first day of student teaching. Talking to another teacher about something nostalgic,...

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