Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
Click to access a specific category of articles, search the blog or scroll down for the most recent posts!
The Other Woman: Sorting Through Your Own Body Image Issues While Raising a Daughter
Another woman moved into my house. She's skinnier than me, has a better figure than me, carries a youthful glow I lack, possesses no trace of cellulite, and she fits into the jeans size of my dreams. That woman is my daughter. What a twist. I birth my third baby, feel...
Want Your Body and Life to Change? Be Teachable.
Spinning, (group indoor cycling if you are unfamiliar with the term), is somewhat of a complex sport for a newbie. You have to get "set up" on your bike, learn the hand positions, and try to get a grasp on the other safety metrics and movements so that you can get the...
How To Trust When God Throws You in the Deep End
It’s summer time in Texas and my toddlers are learning to swim. Simon is 2, a year and a half younger than big sister Miriam, but he is mountains braver when it comes to jumping in the pool. As some of you would agree, you don’t actually want your kids to be that...
Four Things to Do When You Want to Quit
Today I decided to eat potato chips and chocolate chips (it's a great combination if you've never tried it) and sit in front of the television watching the Great British Baking Show on Netflix. Sounds productive, right? But, honestly, I feel like there's probably...
Walking Through Exercise Bondage
Recently, I've started walking. And I love it. To many, walking is an everyday occurrence; something that gets them from point A to B; something that is (for most) a basic human action. As a fairly active individual who loves her runs, it is rather ironic that just a...
Do Highlights and Make-up Make Me Less Spiritual?
It was just a little chat between friends: Kids, new slow cooker recipes, books we were plowing through, and the omnipresent Florida heat were the usual topics of conversation. Oh. And the little detail that I was garage-selling most of my household items, packing up...
I’m Too Fat
Today is the final installment in the series "Real Women. Real Stories." Each of the women featured in the past two weeks took part in the making of the video trailer for the book, Compared to Who? Each has a real story of battling lies about their value and worth and...
I’m Too Flat Chested
Our "Real Women. Real Stories." series continues today with Christine's story. Christine shares one of the lies she most frequently hears when she looks in the mirror. This series features the real women (not actresses!) who shared their real life body image battles...
I’m Too Fat & Ugly
Today we continue the "Real Women. Real Stories." series on Compared to Who! This series features women from the Compared to Who? book trailer who were asked to write on a sign what lie the mirror most frequently tells/or has told them. Here's Erin's story. (Be sure...
I’m Too Pale
This is the first post in a new series featuring the REAL women who were part of the making of the video trailer for the Compared to Who? book! Get to know these women by reading a bit about their stories and how they've battled hearing the enemies lies about their...