Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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The Last Resolution You’ll Ever Need to Make
I love a great makeover story. Do you? To see the “before” and “after” of a new haircut or wardrobe change or how people are able to take control of their health when they lose weight . . . We love a good success story, don’t we? What strikes me most about any of...
Esther: Beauty for a Purpose
As far as Bible stories go, Esther has always been one of my favorites. A young girl is plucked from the masses as the next queen. She gets a year of spa treatments and then a chance to win a king's affection. How glamorous and exciting! And, how totally random that...
The Best Gift this New Year is Not Weight Loss
It’s a tough time of year for body image. Everywhere we turn, the perfect body is heralded as the ultimate happiness. I flipped on the TV the other day only to find a diet specialist who outlined Hollywood “nutrition” and the way it could help us get thinner in the...
The Pre-Diet Fridge Frenzy: Run to the Refrigerator!
I knew it was coming. January 1st. Run to the refrigerator! Quick! Before it gets here! Am I the only one guilty of this? Trying to squeeze in all the “bad” foods I can before beginning that new diet. You know, because when I get on the scale on January 1st, I want to...
Shopping Cart Righteousness and Drive Thru Shame
Imagine yourself in a back alley of a questionable neighborhood, wearing a hooded coat which hides your guilty eyes. You shift your weight from side to side, resist the urge to run, and command yourself; “Be cool man. Just be cool. No one will know. Just a few more...
Joy and Fear of the Holiday Season
This is by far, my favorite time of year. Brisk mornings with a hot cup of coffee in hand. Apple-cinnamon aroma that fills the entire house. Vibrant red and orange leaves falling from the trees. A crackling fireplace warming the living room. Christmas music and...
Why We Are Always Hungry
"I'm hungry." This mantra echoes in our home, hourly. We homeschool, which means my children are home to eat around the clock. I have no idea how we are going to afford groceries when there are four teenagers--three of them boys--in this house. All they do is eat!...
What’s Better Than Breaking the Glass Ceiling
Several of my friends wriggle with fret over the outcome of last week's election. "The glass ceiling stays intact. What will we tell our daughters?" I'm not concerned. What women need more than a shattered glass ceiling is a rock solid floor. Allow me to explain. As I...
Take It to a 2: What to Do if You are Consumed With Body Perfection
I'd consider myself an extreme person. My mama says I'm "spirited." She's right. I don't do moderation well, or sometimes at all. I'm all in (venti drinks, marathons I don't train for, volunteering as "Tribute" whenever possible) or totally out (why clean anything if...
Growing Up Rejection: Finding Freedom from Fear of Rejection
I remember we were riding in the car on the way to a friend’s birthday party, maybe I was 11 or 12. My dad starts talking, he taught me a very important lesson that day. He told me to include everybody. He said “No one likes to feel left out. Make every girl there...