Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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Your View of Your Body Could Change the World
"If tomorrow, women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business." Gail Dines, Ph.D. I've watched this and similar quotes breeze through my social media feeds before. Today I stopped to let that sink...
Still Struggling with Food? Me Too
Would you believe it if I told you that while writing my eating disorder story I actually thought I didn't really struggle with food anymore? It's true. I really thought it no longer applied to me. Sure, I've technically been "recovered" from an eating disorder for...
Five Reasons to Share Your Story: Call for Contributors
Do you have a story of overcoming an eating disorder, wrestling a food addiction, or battling the daily temptation to compare yourself to others? Has body image bogged you down in ways you can clearly identify? Is God doing work in your heart to help you overcome past...
Scarcity Mentality and Body Image: Is There a Connection?
Do you have a Scarcity Mentality? Could it be affecting your body image? Interesting thoughts here on scarcity mentality and body image. My first year of college I internally made the decision not to pursue a career in broadcast journalism. Why? Because too many...
Trusting in Transition
Nearing the end of pregnancy, I walk through the mall, browsing all the sale items and clothes that are pointless to shop for when you can’t see your toes. Everything I feared happening to my body, happened. My hips expanded, my thighs spread, and my chest has grown...
I Want to Be Small: Eating Disorders and Hope
I desire to be small. Described with adjectives like "tiny." Complimented with words like, "Oh! You're so little!" That's what makes me feel big. Ironic, right? This summer God stirred my heart as I pondered one question: Why is that I desire to be small in order to...
Why Can’t I Connect? Is Comparison in the Way?
As I sit here and stare at my computer screen, I find myself with the desire to meet you for coffee. Yes, you…for coffee…or tea…or whatever it is you enjoy. But, it’s not really about the drinks. It’s about the connection. In person. Face-to-face. Isn’t that the core...
The Miracle Weight Loss Secret Our Hearts Are Searching For
"I've struggled with my weight for as long as I remember..." That's how the email began. Oooh... Someone else who struggles is going to share their secret! That hook works on me. Every. Single. Time. Please! Tell me how you solved it! Please, please, please tell me...
What Politics and Insecurity Have in Common
"Cast your vote for Heather. She's the girl with the broken foot!" Freshman year of college, during orientation weekend, I tore a ligament and shattered my third metatarsal while walking on a swinging bridge. Yes. Just walking. (I've never been accused of being...
Knowing When To Quit & Say “That’s All I Can Do”
Can I confess something? I don't know when to quit. I feel as if I always could do a little bit more. Yesterday, for example. I finished everything I absolutely needed to accomplish for the day by 11am. I should have quit. I should have stopped and done something fun...