Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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The Fight-Free Way to Navigate Wife’s Body Image Issues: FAQs
Does your wife struggle with body image issues? Have you ever wondered what to say or do to help her? Here's the fight-free way to navigate a wife's body image issues. The first thing you need to do, especially if you are already a Christian, is read this article. It...
A Christian Makeover Story: Christine’s Amazing Transformation
I love makeover shows. I'll admit: There's something amazing about watching people transform. Secretly, I always thought it would be awesome to have a professional stylist pick me out of a crowd as her next target. The makeover would go like this. First, she'd choose...
Gordon Ramsay’s Hotel Hell & Self Deception
My husband and I watch Hotel Hell every chance we get. We love that show! If you haven’t watched, the premise of the show is this: business owners contact Gordon Ramsay to come help their sinking business rise from the ashes. They are all truly looking for a...
How Not to Marry a Loser
Don't marry a loser. Trust me. I've dated my fair share. Maybe this sounds familiar: He said he believed in God, but not organized religion. "That counts, right?" I convinced myself. He was kind of cute. What mattered most was that he really liked me. That felt good....
My Hospitality Obstacle: the Chair of Shame
There it sits. The shame of my household. The reason my hospitality has declined. My hospitality obstacle. The chair. What once was a cozy rocking place for my baby sits shredded at the seams. The black leather chair we purchased for the arrival of our son, three...
Don’t Do These Things When You’re Feeling Insecure
“Did you say you run?” the disdain in the woman’s question hung thick over the group. All eyes turned on me as my face turned red in the summer heat. “I’m training for my first 5K along with my preteen son. We’re having a good time together jogging in the morning, and...
Can the Olympics Help Struggles with Body Image?
I'm sure I'm the only one who noticed this, so I'm ashamed to admit it. But, here goes. Olympic swimmers don't have thigh gap. In fact, you know what else I noticed? When they shook their arms to ready their muscles for racing--their skin shook. Yes, that's right. It...
Are You an Emotional Eater, Too?
As long as I can remember, I have always been an emotional eater. Feeling sad? Eat some ice cream. Bored? Eat some chips. Stressed? Eat some Twinkies. PMS? We are going to need some M&M's, STAT! But food is about more than emotions to me. Food is also an event. A...
Being Reasonable in Marriage
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God....
How to Upgrade Your Wardrobe
“Have you worn it in the last year?” That’s the question we’re “supposed” to ask when weeding out our old clothes, right? Unfortunately, it’s a pretty easy question to get around: No, but I didn’t have a reason to wear something that dressy. No, but I’m still losing a...