Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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How to Practice Hospitality Without Stressing Over Your Home
This is part one in a mini-series by Esther on how practice hospitality without stressing over your home. Look for part two, next week, called, "Are You Home Insecure: Three Questions to Ask Yourself!" Do you let the state of your home dictate whether or not you are...
Life is Worth the Weight: Body Image and Pregnancy
As little girls we spend time planning our fairy tale lives: our lavish weddings, our extravagant dream homes, the perfect husband (who will always be romantic) and the number of children we will have. What we don’t spend time planning is dealing with the stress of...
Let’s Get Real About Marriage
As required reading for pre-marital counseling, my soon-to-be-husband and I read the book, "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas. One of Gary's main principles explains that the purpose of marriage is to make us holy, not happy. (Okay, it's also the subtitle!) As an...
Pregnancy and Body Image: When Pregnancy Ain’t No Picnic
Today the Pregnancy and Body Image Series continues with Esther's story of the roller coaster ride her pregnancies, weight gain, and eventual PPD took her on. During pregnancy I experienced the most self-loathing I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Before pregnancy, I...
Worried About Daughter’s Weight? How to Stop Freaking Out!
As my daughter stood next to me in the bathroom and put on the tiny bit of mascara and lip gloss she announces that she thinks the crocheted head warmer she's wearing is "too much" for her outfit. I look at my wonderfully made, beautiful daughter in the mirror-- the...
My Eating Disorder Story: Battling Bulimia & Receiving New Grace
It's my pleasure to introduce to you our newest contributor, Alicia Hunter from Turquoise Grace. Today Alicia shares her story of battling bulimia and how God's grace has worked in her life to bring her to a new place of health. I hope you'll read it and encourage...
You Have Great Purpose
I looked out our second story bathroom window onto the blooming tree in our neighbor's yard. I noticed a massive number of bees swarming around it's blooms. There were so many of them I'm sure had I opened the window I would have heard the buzzing. I don't necessarily...
Why I’m Not Building My Children’s Self-Esteem
There are over forty-six million entries on Google on how to build your child's self-esteem. Forty-six million!!! We've been told for decades that this is the job of parents to make sure their children have healthy self-esteem so they can go off into the world and...
4 Reasons You Don’t Need More Self-Esteem
This is the first post in a mini series on self-esteem. If you are a follower of Jesus, I hope you'll read and prayerfully consider removing "self-esteem" from your vocabulary. I'm so dead serious about this my friends. We've been deceived that self-esteem is the...
Lessons from the DustBuster: Don’t Suck it Up
I unpacked all the fresh fruit and vegetables that once filled the box. It looked a bit on the dirty side, so I was anxious to get it off my kitchen counter. I carried the produce box to the garage, then walked back into the kitchen. That's when I saw it. A huge pile...