Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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How to Stop Comparing Video: One Hour That Could Change Your Weekend Ready for the real deal? Want to know how to stop comparing? Then check this out. Last week I had the privilege of participating in a webinar with Constance Rhodes of a ministry called Finding Balance....
Pregnancy and Body Image: When You Don’t Think Belly Shots are Cute
This is the first post in a brand new series on pregnancy and body image! A few of our contributors will be chiming in over the next few weeks--sharing how pregnancy impacted them. For me (Heather) pregnancy was a mixed bag. Somedays, I felt like a whale and didn't...
Can Focusing on How We Are Alike Cure Comparison?
"Mom, I"m just like Iron Man." My four-year-old paces beside my desk as I work. He explains to me that he and Iron Man have a lot of similarities. They are both boys, for starters. They both like to wear red. They both like Legos. (Of course Iron Man plays Legos....
The Brand Name Blues: When You Want to Fit In
We moved to Dallas from the suburbs a year and a half ago. Energized by a new (to us) home, new part of town to get to know, new church, I struck out on my own to make terrific new friends. My expectations never higher, I signed up for everything--MOPS, an ecumenical...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder: How to Find Serenity In Your Relationship With Your Body
The reactions I got when I told my close friends and relatives about writing something for a Christian blog devoted to helping women who are struggling with body image surprised me. Instead of "Way to go!" and "I'm proud of you!" I almost unanimously received the same...
Who Are You Wearing? Part Three of a Series on Body Theology
In our last two posts on body theology, we talked about how our bodies are not containers, and also how the image of God means more to body image than we’ve ever grasped before. Both of these truths have had life changing effects on me, and what I’m sharing today...
Why I Struggled to Believe in ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’
Taking a one day break from our "one word" series to share with you this great and timely (for Easter) piece from my friend Brittany at Devotion Everyday. You really need to read this and then check out her blog. Great words! (And pretty pictures too, she's a...
Full:: What REALLY Fills Us?
Normally, it's a good thing to be full. As someone who has struggled with loving food a little too much for the last 34 years of life, feeling full is one of my favorite feelings. In first grade, I ate two Whoppers from Burger King without blinking an eye. In middle...
Disoriented:: When God Changes Your View of Everything
I think I know what it might have been like to wake in ancient Judah, to go out of my house and not see the high places, the altars, the pillars to familiar gods that had been there the day before. There must have been a palpable buzzing of shock and anxiety, as well...
Success:: What’s Your Definition?
As long as I can remember I have had a petrifying fear of failure. It has kept me from doing so many things in my life. I don't just want to succeed. I HAVE to succeed. I need that "attaboy" and approval that winning in life provides. I have been setting myself up for...