Stop comparing and start living!

How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?

Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!

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Skinny: I Am Not Skinny

Skinny: I Am Not Skinny

I am not skinny. I say that only because my therapist told me I can no longer say, “I am fat.” She gave me the reasoning why (which I don’t really remember) but in an instant I knew that being fat had become my identity, and her denying me from saying those words...

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Tagged:: How Do You Feel When You are Tagged?

Tagged:: How Do You Feel When You are Tagged?

I saw a video of myself online today. I was tagged. It was a perfect test of my body image progress. I failed. I believe all the words I say about body image. I believe God thinks my body is worth the cross because of his unfathomable love for all of me, which has...

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Body Theology Part 2: Image Bearers

Body Theology Part 2: Image Bearers

In today's post, Lead Contributor, Mindy Pickens writes about what it means to be Image Bearers. You. Have. Got. To. Read. This. Dear Friend, You’ve heard it before. You know, how it shouldn’t matter what you look like because God loves you and created you, and...

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Being Open With My Body Image Struggle

Being Open With My Body Image Struggle

I haven’t always been open with my body image struggle. I remember just over two years ago when I was debating sharing or not. My husband and I had just gotten involved with our new church and a new small group. We had completed a few “get to know you weeks” in our...

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I Don’t Want to Be the Fat Friend

I Don’t Want to Be the Fat Friend

“I don’t want to be the fat friend!” I had never actually said the words out loud before. But as I finally admitted this truth to my husband, I was flooded with unexpected emotions. Growing up, I was (almost) always the skinniest girl wherever I went. I was proud of...

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