Stop comparing and start living!

How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?

Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!

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Make My Heart Believe

Make My Heart Believe

For the better part of my life, my relationship with food, diet, exercise, and my body has been . . . complicated, to say the least. I’ve been through seasons of “plans” — i.e, Hallie’s path to less jiggle - seasons of “intentionally zero plans” - i.e., Hallie says...

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Enjoy Life!

Enjoy Life!

About a year ago, a woman who I love and respect sat with me and listened as I shared all of the perils of my current life as a 25 year old female. I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career (despite plenty of searching), all of the good guys were taken and I was...

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Body Theology 101 – Your Body is Not a Container

Body Theology 101 – Your Body is Not a Container

Hello Friend, I’m just going to come right out with it. My lifelong understanding of what the human body is, what my body is, has been dangerously contrary to the teaching of the Bible. Yep. I’m 36 and although I’ve been a Christian since I was 12, I’ve held to false...

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The Fear of Scale Cycle

The Fear of Scale Cycle

I'm super excited to bring you a new post from my friend Mindy Pickens. Mindy will be serving as a lead contributor here at Compared to Who? and since her first post "My Beauty Idol" she's written an update. If you've ever struggled with your weight or body image, you...

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