Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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When Jesus Brought Me to the End of Myself
I'm excited to bring you a guest post from my new friend Esther. Esther was introduced to Compared to Who? when I spoke at a MOPS meeting at her church. She told me a bit of her story and I asked her if she'd mind writing something to share with all my readers about...
Taking the Power Away from the Scale
I love this guest post from my friend Erin Kerry. Erin shared more of her story in this post. But, I love her renewed approach to the holidays. Are you ready to start taking the power away from the scale? It’s that time of year. Time for feasting, gorging, bingeing....
Five Ways to Enjoy an Imperfect Holiday
"Was it everything you dreamed it would be?" she asked. And she was serious--not an ounce of sarcasm in her question. She sounded so sincere in fact, I hated to let her down with my answer. "Well, not really." I quietly replied. "It was good. Don't hear be wrong....
How Do I Talk To Teens About Body Image?
Another great question in the "Questions about Body Image and Comparison" series. Dear Heather: I'm a high school teacher and I see so many of the girls (and even boys) in my class struggling with body image. I can't speak overtly about Jesus in class, so I try to...
Should I Let My Daughter Wear MakeUp?
Our "Questions" series continues with this one: Dear Heather: My daughter is only eleven years old but she's begging to wear make-up. I try to tell her that she doesn't need make-up to be pretty, but she says the other girls in her class wear it and then points to the...
How Do I Get My Husband To Affirm Me More?
Dear Heather: I believe that if my husband would more frequently tell me that I'm beautiful, if he'd look at me as if I was desirable, and if he'd talk to me more about what he likes about my body, I wouldn't wrestle my body image so much. But, instead he barely says...
How Do I Accept My Skin Condition?
This post is a part of a series called "Questions About Your Body Image and Comparison?" Hello Heather: I came across your blog and while I accept the body shape I have, what do you say to someone, like myself, who suffers from a skin condition--a disease actually?...
How to Get Over the Fear of Being Fat
The "Questions" series continues with this important question about how to get over the fear of being "fat." I put fat in quotations because fat is a term that is not only relative, but also way overused by our culture. I understand that this question will resonate...
When Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Dieting and Exercise Lie to You:: Guest Post
Today's post is by my new reader friend Gina Funderburg. Gina reached out to me with her story and I asked her to share it with you all. I think you'll be encouraged by reading about her journey: When Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Dieting and Exercise Lie to You. My battle...
The Amazing Beauty Hidden in Authentic Friendship
Weeks ago we hosted a dinner party to thank the leadership team of our small church. We had a baker's dozen around a giant table and I discovered something amazing: the beauty hidden in authentic friendship. You see, I'm married to a pastor. Not just any pastor--a...