Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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Can I Trust God?
We spent the greater part of the season house hunting. Can I just tell your that HGTV makes house hunting look super fun? But, that's not exactly accurate. Shopping for a new home is stressful. Seriously stressful. You go out looking with a certain idea of what kind...
Why I Didn’t Like the Video of Woman They Drew Hearts On
It's likely you saw it---the viral video of the woman who stripped down to her black bra and underwear and, using only a chalkboard sign, asked people to show their support for body acceptance by drawing a heart somewhere on her body. Here's the video of woman they...
Don’t Feel Good Enough? Read Laura’s Body Image Story
Today I am delighted to share a guest post from my friend Laura. Laura and I met through the Dallas Moms Blog where we both serve as contributors, and over the last few years we've come to recognize we have a whole lot in common---including the work of overcoming our...
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Are you fearful of making mistakes? Having others find out your imperfections? Does the thought of a BIG error make you sweat? Yeah, me too. As an intern in college, I worked in the Communications Office. Our group created an Annual Report each year to update donors...
My Body Image Robbed Me: Sydney’s Story
This is my new friend Sydney's story. Sydney contacting me a few months ago through the blog and I asked her to share with you all what she had shared with me. Sydney and I are a lot a like--our stories mirror in many ways. This shows me how much the devil lacks...
How Community Offers a Great Mirror for Your Health
Today I'm revisiting a post from a few years ago. As my blog has morphed to be more about body image than fitness and spiritual growth, I want to make sure that you read to the end of this post to really understand what I'm saying figuratively about mirrors. Some of...
Life is Not a Race
Texas summers are best enjoyed from air-conditioned rooms. But, the young ones need to get out of the house and so I suggest a contest. "Whomever swims the most laps gets extra iPad time!" (Sadly, iPad time ranks as a valuable commodity here.) Excited for the...
When Women In Your Church Wrestle Body Image: 4 Things to Say
I sat at the edge of the table, not fully committed to the group of women already crowded around it. I love getting to know women at the MOPS and women's groups where I speak, but, sometimes, I like to just listen to their conversations first. "Oh she really has a...
How to be Flawless
There is a newer song by Mercy Me called Flawless that reminds me of this old meme I did a few years back. I love the lyrics and their phenomenal reminder that we can't be flawless apart from the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Check out the words to the chorus: No...
Does God Give Us the Desires of Our Heart?
Sometimes I wrestle with that verse in Psalms 37:4 about God giving us our heart's desires. How often does that happen? What about all the stuff I've longed for and never received? Is God really a good father who wants good for me? What about my let downs? My...