Stop comparing and start living!
How can we help you improve your body image or stop comparing?
Whether you’re fighting the scale and mirror or stuck in a battle with an eating disorder, the Compared to Who? blog library contains 500+ articles to encourage and equip you to find body image and food freedom through the Gospel!
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Compulsively Connected?
This summer I'm re-sharing some content from my earliest days of blogging. If you are staring at your phone right now, I think you'll be able to relate to this one! There is one thing all fitness instructors want you to know: We don't really want you to talk during a...
Following the recipe
I wrote this post a few years ago, but I hope you'll still find it thought provoking this week. Are you following God's recipe or doing your own thing hoping it'll turn out alright? I love recipes. But, I hate to be bound to them. They infringe on my creative ability...
Summer Reading List for Christian Women
Are you looking for some great books to take with you to the beach or pool this summer? Or maybe the weather where you live is just TOO hot to go outside, so you need a nice, indoor activity to keep you busy while the kids play Minecraft. (Sigh!) Either way, I've...
Wisdom Wednesday: Don’t Believe Everything You think
Don't believe everything you think. Sometimes our thoughts, even those about ourselves are wrong! I'm not sure who said this quote, but it's a good one to print out and put on your mirror, by your computer monitor or on your fridge if you wrestle negative self-talk...
We All Need Swimming Lessons
I wonder if God wants us all to learn how to swim. Figuratively at least. Over the course of the last week I've watched two of my children take swimming lessons and struggle. My oldest is somewhat determined to learn because he understands that visits to places like...
Wisdom Wednesdays: Stop Striving to Be More Beautiful
Here's a great shareable image to encourage you and your friends today! Pin it, post it, or forward it to a friend who needs the reminder that her value is not found in her size. You'd be amazed how many women woke up struggling with their body image this morning. Who...
I Know Why You Hate Wearing a Swimsuit
My Dear Friend: Welcome to the majority. You and I are symbols of the masses--the ninety-nine or so percent of women who will never be publicly recognized for the way we look in our tankinis. You probably already know the data. But, it's hard to internalize and accept...
Getting Your Heart Ready for Swimsuit Season
With less than forty-eight hours left on the clock, I rushed into the store dragging my seven-year-old son behind me. We were heading to a water park in two days and I needed a new swimsuit. Having looked at the scale with disdain that morning, getting a root canal...
Should You Wear a Swimsuit this Summer?
This is a post I wrote for For Every Mom a great site especially for Christian moms! You may be wondering: Is that me in a bathing suit. Uh. Um. Yes. It is. Was this easy for me to do? Uh, no. It was not. But, here's why I did it. Although I don't advocate for women...
Should I Tell My Daughter That She’s a Princess?
A new royal wedding . . .happening this weekend! Come on, you've got to admit it's intriguing. The glamour, the drama, the Royals. It's hard to look away. A few years ago we witnessed the birth of a new princess--a real, born-into-royalty, princess whom we will...