Back-to-school shopping time gives an opportunity for body image issues to flare! Sometimes the issues are our own--we may project our own body image issues onto our kids, fearing they will follow in our footsteps as their size or shape changes. Or, it may be that our...

Body Image and Young Women
The Model and the Mirror Fast: Featuring Jennifer Strickland
Today Heather chats with Jennifer Strickland, a former model who's appeared in magazines you've probably read and shows you may have seen and worked for designers you've heard of. Jen had amazing success in the modeling world but her life was missing meaning and...
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made: God Made You on Purpose
Today my guest, Allie Marie Smith, and I talk about the fearfully and wonderfully made verse from Psalm 139:14 and her new book titled, "Wonderfully Made." Allie shares her story of depression and suicide attempts, an eating disorder, and how God has worked through...
The War for Our Girls (Children) featuring Yvette Hampton
Five minutes online and you can see what our girls are up against. It seems like, from every angle, their identities are under attack. From the hyper sexualization of young teens to gender dysphoria to the all out war on biblical truth--girls (and really our boys,...
How Do I Handle All the Holiday Candy? Feat Dr. Stefani Reinold
Candy is EVERYWHERE. Seems like October rolls around and the candy doesn't leave until January. But, then it only stays gone until February when Valentine's candy shows up, which rolls right into Easter candy time. How do we handle holiday candy? How do we handle it...
Should a Christian Woman Wear a Bikini?
Should a Christian woman wear a bikini? This complex and confusing issue is one that a lot of people have an opinion about. Here's the answer I gave one of my readers when she asked this question (and she gave me permission to share it! No matter where you stand on...
4 Ways to Tell if You Are Obsessed with Body Image
Body image struggles can manifest in various forms and in the smallest of ways for us. I know it personally did not take me a long time to realize I had a poor body image. But beyond negative thoughts and ideas about what I wish I could change about my appearance, I...
Will My Date Think I’m Pretty? Dating & Body Image
Let’s talk about dating I’ll be fully honest with you, I haven’t been on a date in 5 years! I know this is going to sound crazy and unusual for women my age nowadays, but it’s the truth. I dated a boy in high school for over a year, and when it ended horribly, I swore...
Bad Boyfriends & Body Image Struggles
LOVE BLINDERS My body changes couldn’t have come at a worse time in my mind. I was in the midst of an unhealthy relationship (disclaimer: I did not know it was toxic at the time) with a boy that was crumbling. We’ll call him Brad (not actually his real name). To make...
Why Does Attention From Guys Make Me Feel So Insecure? Body Image & Identity
I love my body. Trust me, I haven’t always. But I have learned, or actually I’ve unlearned, all of the unhealthy thought patterns and actions, and have stop putting my body through so much grief. My body actually doesn’t much matter to me anymore. I love my body...