Back-to-school shopping time gives an opportunity for body image issues to flare! Sometimes the issues are our own--we may project our own body image issues onto our kids, fearing they will follow in our footsteps as their size or shape changes. Or, it may be that our...

Helping Daughter with Body Image
The Model and the Mirror Fast: Featuring Jennifer Strickland
Today Heather chats with Jennifer Strickland, a former model who's appeared in magazines you've probably read and shows you may have seen and worked for designers you've heard of. Jen had amazing success in the modeling world but her life was missing meaning and...
The War for Our Girls (Children) featuring Yvette Hampton
Five minutes online and you can see what our girls are up against. It seems like, from every angle, their identities are under attack. From the hyper sexualization of young teens to gender dysphoria to the all out war on biblical truth--girls (and really our boys,...
How Do I Handle All the Holiday Candy? Feat Dr. Stefani Reinold
Candy is EVERYWHERE. Seems like October rolls around and the candy doesn't leave until January. But, then it only stays gone until February when Valentine's candy shows up, which rolls right into Easter candy time. How do we handle holiday candy? How do we handle it...
Should a Christian Woman Wear a Bikini?
Should a Christian woman wear a bikini? This complex and confusing issue is one that a lot of people have an opinion about. Here's the answer I gave one of my readers when she asked this question (and she gave me permission to share it! No matter where you stand on...
Podcast: Body Image Help for Girl Moms, Mentors, and Ministry Leaders
Today's show features Cindy Bultema of GEMS. This must listen episode will encourage every woman and especially girl moms! Executive Director of GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior), Cindy Bultema shares her story of overcoming addictions and eating disorders....
How Victoria’s Secret Impacts Body Image: A Letter to My Daughter
I wrote this quick letter to my daughter about her value a few months ago, the evening that the Victoria's Secret swimsuit special aired on national television. I think our girls have it tough on the body image front in this Victoria's Secret world we live in. I...
Real Women, Real Hope Dieting, Daughters, and Modeling Healthy Body Image with Kristen Maddux
What does dieting show our daughters? How can we model a healthy body image for them? In this episode, I talk to my friend, Compared to Who? contributor Kristen Maddux about her journey from being the "Best Dieter" in her Weight Watchers group to adjusting her...
How Do I Help My Daughter With Her Body Image? The First 4 Steps
I don't know at what exact moment it all changed. But I remember in third grade when I stood in front of the gold-trimmed, full-length mirror in the corner of my room and made an assessment that I would carry with me for decades: My thighs were large. This thought...
Stop Telling Her She’s Pretty: Help Your Daughter Feel Confident
As we continue our Helping Your Daughter with her Body Image Series, today, I want to ask you to do something unexpected to help your daughter feel confident. I want you to stop telling her she's pretty. Allow me to explain how this can help your daughter feel...