Why am I hungry all the time? It’s a question I find myself asking too often. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s because I’ve been restricting myself. Instead of listening to my body, honoring my hunger, and eating intuitively, I only allow myself to eat what seems right and...

Body Image and Young Women
Healing Body Image Struggles in Young Women:
Yoga mats, dumbbells and at-home workouts I started working out again recently after a long hiatus and lack of motivation. Senior year of college during a pandemic has not been an easy feat. Like with everything else, working out at college has looked different due to...
Puberty and Body Image: Be an Image Bearer, Not a Comparer
The Natural Forces Won I mentioned in my blog My Body Changed & I Hate It: Comparison and Body Dysmorphia, that I was a late bloomer in high school. Puberty didn’t hit me until my sophomore year. Prior to that time, I thought my body would never change. Honestly,...
Am I Pretty Enough? Struggles With Pride, Vanity, Worth, Identity & Love
am i pretty enough? I thought I wasn’t like the other girls around me in high school. I knew I was a good person on the inside, I just wasn’t sure if I was pretty enough on the outside for boys. At least I was beautiful on the inside though, that’s what they always...
Podcast: A Christian College Student on Body Image in Teens & 20s
[podcast src="https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/19147646/height/360/theme/standard/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/" width="100%" height="360" scrolling="no" class="podcast-class" frameborder="0" placement="top" use_download_link="use_download_link"...
My Body Changed & I Hate It: Comparison and Body Dysmorphia
I Was A Celery Stick I used to be that girl. You know, the perfectionist. The girl who acted like she had her life together, who had everything figured out. The goody two shoes rule-follower, the straight A student, the perfect little Christian girl…you name it, I’ve...
Skipping Lunch Is No Big Deal, Right? Restrictive Dieting, Over Exercising & Orthorexia
The Makings of my orthorexia As my body matured and grew through puberty, I found myself in an unhealthy romantic relationship with a boy that was crumbling. I also found myself busier and more stressed than ever between my honors classes, extracurriculars, sports,...
Podcast: Body Image Help for Girl Moms, Mentors, and Ministry Leaders
Today's show features Cindy Bultema of GEMS. This must listen episode will encourage every woman and especially girl moms! Executive Director of GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior), Cindy Bultema shares her story of overcoming addictions and eating disorders....
I Didn’t Know I Struggled: One Ballet Dancer’s Body Image Perspective
It took me being an intern for a body image-focused platform to face the fact that I struggle with my body image. Crazy right? For a long time, I thought body image issues were something that I couldn’t possibly struggle with as someone who would be conventionally...
The Burden of Better is For: College Students
College can be a transformative time, but for some people as they enter this stage in life, they find themselves trapped in old habits. At school, there are new people to compare yourself against, new obstacles to climb, and new ways to fall short. Only one person is...