stop comparing. start living

Body Image

I’m Too Flat Chested

Our "Real Women. Real Stories." series continues today with Christine's story. Christine shares one of the lies she most frequently hears when she looks in the mirror. This series features the real women (not actresses!) who shared their real life body image battles...

Hope for Ugly Days: When Life Hits You Upside the Head

I'm not the only one who's had life hit them upside the head, right? My 30s have definitely topped my 20s for learning who God is and who he created me to be. Once I let go of expectations others had for me, I dove head first into the freedom that Christ gives...

Dear 2017: A Poem

When I sat down to write this, I fully intended to write a deep, authentic, well-written, full-length post, like the ones typically seen on Compared to Who? But everything I drafted sounded like I was at a job interview wearing pinchy shoes, so I tossed them....

How Do I Stop Dieting?

Yesterday was national "Give up Your Resolutions Day." How discouraging for everyone who started a diet on January 1st, right? I mean, I love diets. I really do. The structure. The plan. The twinge of excitement you get when you believe that this eating program could...