She unlocks the dressing room door and then steps out of the way for me to enter. I smile, mumble a thank you, and lock it behind me. Turning around, I assess my finds. Will any of these look as good on me as they do on the hanger? I doubt it. Alas, you can't go to...
Body Image
How to Stop Comparing Video: One Hour That Could Change Your Weekend Ready for the real deal? Want to know how to stop comparing? Then check this out. Last week I had the privilege of participating in a webinar with Constance Rhodes of a ministry called Finding Balance....
Can Focusing on How We Are Alike Cure Comparison?
"Mom, I"m just like Iron Man." My four-year-old paces beside my desk as I work. He explains to me that he and Iron Man have a lot of similarities. They are both boys, for starters. They both like to wear red. They both like Legos. (Of course Iron Man plays Legos....
Who Are You Wearing? Part Three of a Series on Body Theology
In our last two posts on body theology, we talked about how our bodies are not containers, and also how the image of God means more to body image than we’ve ever grasped before. Both of these truths have had life changing effects on me, and what I’m sharing today...
Why I Struggled to Believe in ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’
Taking a one day break from our "one word" series to share with you this great and timely (for Easter) piece from my friend Brittany at Devotion Everyday. You really need to read this and then check out her blog. Great words! (And pretty pictures too, she's a...
Disoriented:: When God Changes Your View of Everything
I think I know what it might have been like to wake in ancient Judah, to go out of my house and not see the high places, the altars, the pillars to familiar gods that had been there the day before. There must have been a palpable buzzing of shock and anxiety, as well...
Exposed:: What Kim Kardashian Really Wants You To See
Though I'm still struggling to figure out how someone taking their clothes off in front of a camera makes front page news in 2016, Kim Kardashian has done it again. She's stripped down and monopolized our news feeds with her bare assets. Some respond with anger and I...
Is it Time to Stop Blaming Barbie?
"Finally, Barbie will look more like us!" The radio DJ exclaimed. "This will help little girls feel better about themselves. It's so great for them." She gushed. But is it true? Will the new, curvier Barbies--or their darker skin or shorter stature...
No One Knows I Worry About My Body Image
I was scrolling through Pinterest one day and found the Christian Body Image Awareness Quiz. Out of curiosity, I took the 5-Day Email Challenge and it confirmed something I already kind of knew: I have a problem. No one would be able to tell, but I struggle daily with...
Enjoy Life!
About a year ago, a woman who I love and respect sat with me and listened as I shared all of the perils of my current life as a 25 year old female. I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career (despite plenty of searching), all of the good guys were taken and I was...