Here's the reason I'm writing this list of the best Christian workout songs: A few years ago when the song Gangnam Style topped the charts, my eldest son was in kindergarten at a local elementary school. His gym teacher found this particular tune to be an asset to the...
Body Image
Does Barbie Cause Eating Disorders?
The "Questions" series picks up again with this timely ask about Barbie dolls. Barbie toys have made a huge comeback this Christmas shopping season and a cute new ad further encourages women to take a new look at the dolls. But, should you buy your daughter Barbies?...
How Do I Talk To Teens About Body Image?
Another great question in the "Questions about Body Image and Comparison" series. Dear Heather: I'm a high school teacher and I see so many of the girls (and even boys) in my class struggling with body image. I can't speak overtly about Jesus in class, so I try to...
How Do I Get My Husband To Affirm Me More?
Dear Heather: I believe that if my husband would more frequently tell me that I'm beautiful, if he'd look at me as if I was desirable, and if he'd talk to me more about what he likes about my body, I wouldn't wrestle my body image so much. But, instead he barely says...
Can I Trust God?
We spent the greater part of the season house hunting. Can I just tell your that HGTV makes house hunting look super fun? But, that's not exactly accurate. Shopping for a new home is stressful. Seriously stressful. You go out looking with a certain idea of what kind...
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Are you fearful of making mistakes? Having others find out your imperfections? Does the thought of a BIG error make you sweat? Yeah, me too. As an intern in college, I worked in the Communications Office. Our group created an Annual Report each year to update donors...
My Body Image Robbed Me: Sydney’s Story
This is my new friend Sydney's story. Sydney contacting me a few months ago through the blog and I asked her to share with you all what she had shared with me. Sydney and I are a lot a like--our stories mirror in many ways. This shows me how much the devil lacks...
When Women In Your Church Wrestle Body Image: 4 Things to Say
I sat at the edge of the table, not fully committed to the group of women already crowded around it. I love getting to know women at the MOPS and women's groups where I speak, but, sometimes, I like to just listen to their conversations first. "Oh she really has a...
How to be Flawless
There is a newer song by Mercy Me called Flawless that reminds me of this old meme I did a few years back. I love the lyrics and their phenomenal reminder that we can't be flawless apart from the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Check out the words to the chorus: No...
Wisdom Wednesdays: Stop Striving to Be More Beautiful
Here's a great shareable image to encourage you and your friends today! Pin it, post it, or forward it to a friend who needs the reminder that her value is not found in her size. You'd be amazed how many women woke up struggling with their body image this morning. Who...