What do you do when you feel like your body image is doing better and then, boom! Out of nowhere, you feel yourself comparing or struggling with the scale and mirror again! Here's how to handle body image flare ups and keep the freedom you've gained! Listen now (or...
Body Image
Podcast: What About Leah? Body Image, Comparison, Rachel & Leah
Rachel, Leah, and Comparison: Rachel and Leah, the iconic Bible story of two sisters with a giant sibling rivalry, has some hidden truths about body image and comparison. Grab your Bible, turn to Genesis 29 and get ready to see this story in a whole new way. God...
When None of Your Clothes Spark Joy: Can’t Seem to Tidy Up?
Quick! Run into your closet and pull everything out of it. Then, hug each item and only hold on to the ones that spark joy. That's the Kondo method. It's a nice concept, isn't it. Marie Kondo has taken the world by storm. I made it through one episode of her "Tidying...
Podcast: Finding Joy and Overcoming Body Image and Comparison Struggles
If our body image and comparison issues are rooted in fear, then friends, we aren't living in joy. The Bible tells us fear and joy can't co-exist. Learn how to find joy through the stories and practical exercises suggested in this podcast! Listen on iTunes or use...
Compared to Who the Podcast is Here!
The Podcast is rolling! Here are the links you need to listen, download, and subscribe to the new podcast! Listen here on ITunes Listen here on Google Play Listen here on Stitcher I'd be so grateful if you'd give me a review on iTunes! This means a lot to those...
Podcast: What is Body Image Idolatry
Ever heard of the term, "Body Image Idolatry?" I sure hadn't. I wrestled body image and comparison issues for years, believing I'd heard all the "Christian" answers to my body image issues. But, it wasn't until I heard Dr. Tim Keller, former pastor of Redeemer...
What Christmas Speaks to My Body Image Issues
Eight Christmas parties in seven days. Fun, right? Can I just tell you that we have some friends who are foodies and, well, wow have I consumed some massive quantities of calories lately. So, this morning when I had the privilege of stepping on the scales at the...
Unveiling the All or Nothing Mentality to Improve Your Body Image
Confession time. Just over a year ago, I had a photo album on my phone titled “thinspiration.” You’ve probably already deduced the photos were a collection of ladies that I completely and totally envied. Celebrities. Friends. Personal trainers. Even a frenemy. The...
Psalm 23 and Your Body Image
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. If you've been a Christian for a while, there's a good chance you've heard (or memorized) this passage of scripture. It offers comfort when we're scared, hope when we're facing adversity. But, did you know this passage has a...
Leah Wasn’t Beautiful: Lessons from Rachel and Leah
Have you ever typed something into Google that you hoped no one would ever see? I sure have. It feels safe to reveal our hearts in the questions we ask a search engine. You can't raise your hand in small group and ask something like this: "What if I desperately want...