stop comparing. start living


Work For It: Grace Versus Works

The music blares as we reach one of the most intense parts of the workout. Resistance is high and to encourage my spin class to make it up the fictitious hill we are climbing, I yell it out. Come on. . . WORK FOR IT! Sure, I throw in some "You can do its" and an...

Success Stories and My Story

In the fitness world we refer to the story of how someone went from being unhealthy, overweight or out of shape to healthy and fit as a "success story." In the church we also have a success story equivalent. We refer to how someone has changed their life spiritually...

How to be Flawless

There is a newer song by Mercy Me called Flawless that reminds me of this old meme I did a few years back.   I love the lyrics and their phenomenal reminder that we can't be flawless apart from the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Check out the words to the chorus: No...