Twenty. That's how many absolutely horrible, no good, very bad Mother's Days I've had. If you know me, you may respond...Wait, isn't your oldest only ten? And, you'd be right. But, my Mother's Day misery started well before I ever read "pregnant" on a little...

Trusting God
Wasted Worry: What the Gospel Says to a Mother’s Worry
I worried he’d be born on Halloween. With an October 30 due date, it certainly could have happened. He’d have to share his birthday with trick-or-treaters, candy comas, and scary movies. I detested the concept and avoided all labor inducing activities for a full...
Podcast: Is Your Quarantine Goal to Deepen Your Faith? Conversation with Author Phylicia Masonheimer
Today I chat (from quarantine) with Phylicia Masonheimer author of a brand new book, "Stop Calling Me Beautiful: Finding Soul-Deep Strength in a Skin-Deep World." We talk about how to REALLY trust God in the midst of crisis, how to deepen your faith, and how to make...
Podcast: Changing Focus to See the Presence of God: Abby McDonald Interview
As we're thrust into uncertain times, we need to see the presence of God in our crazy world, now more than ever! Today I talk to author Abby McDonald. Her brand new book titled, "Shift" is about just that - Changing our focus to see the presence of God! Abby and I...
One Word and Two Resolutions That May Surprise You
I stopped resolving things on December 31st about ten years ago. That was the year my third son was born and in addition to the new responsibility of having to celebrate a birthday on New Year's Eve, I officially hit the limit of things I could possibly think about at...
The Day God Asked to Micromanage My Life
I skipped the final session and snuck away for a walk around the complex and some alone time. Though anxious thoughts riddled me for days before this retreat, it was almost time to go home and I hadn't yet experienced the solitude I craved. It's been a difficult ten...
What He Taught Me About Making Progress
I'm usually in a hurry. My motto, "Why do things slow when you could rush through them and move on to the next thing?" I'm quite certain the problem is more than just impatience. The case of "in-a-hurry-itis" that I possess should get some sort of clinical diagnosis...
Quenching Our Thirst: Cure for Spiritual Dehydration
Up to 75% of the population is chronically dehydrated. I used to see this every week at the gym. Without water, not only does exercise performance suffer (up to 30%) -- but almost every aspect of you, physiologically, suffers as well. Dehydration can cause symptoms...
Why Every Christian Should Read the Bible Daily
When I first started blogging one of the hardest things to deal with was acknowledging that people I considered good friends would never stop to read my words. Pouring my heart out and pressing "publish" felt so vulnerable--like I had allowed the whole world to see...
I’m Tired of Waiting: What to do while you are waiting on God!
I read her Facebook post and couldn't stop my lips from settling into a giant smile. It read: When will I look older? Ahhh . . . I remember feeling that way; visiting a college campus and hoping that people would think I looked eighteen instead of sixteen. Now that...